The composition and pattern of weed flora in arable fields are determined by their seedbank structure; but the influence of fallow management practices on weed seedbank structure is presently unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate weed seedbank characteristics and weed population...
Akobundu, I.O.
Ekeleme, F.
[Weed seedbank characteristics of arable fields under different fallow management systems in the humid tropical zone of southeastern Nigeria]
Weed seedbank characteristics of arable fields under different fallow management systems in the humid tropical zone of southeastern Nigeria
This review is prefaced by an introduction to biological characteristics of Imperata cylindrica which relate to its control by chemical and mechanical methods. Of the many herbicides tested and used against I. cylindrica, glyphosate has became the market leader but the potential of imazapyr is al...
Terry, P.J.
Adjers, G.
Akobundu, I.O.
Anoka, A.U.
Drilling, M.E.
Tjitrosemito, S.
Utomo, M.
[Herbicides and mechanical control of Imperata cylindrica as a first step in grassland rehabilitation]
Herbicides and mechanical control of Imperata cylindrica as a first step in grassland rehabilitation
There is increasing interest to improve the N2 fixation and P use efficiency of herbaceous and shrub legumes currently being introduced in cereal-based cropping systems in the moist savanna zones of West Africa. Knowledge about N and P nutrition of these legumes can assist in adapting them to new...
Sanginga, N.
Okogun, J.A.
Akobundu, I.O.
Kang, B.T.
[Phosphorus requirement and nodulation of herbaceous and shrub legumes in low P soils of a Guinean Savanna in Nigeria]
Phosphorus requirement and nodulation of herbaceous and shrub legumes in low P soils of a Guinean Savanna in Nigeria
Multilocational characterization of selected herbaceous and shrub legumes was carried out over a 3-yr period at lowland and midlatitude sites in the moist savanna agroecological zone in Nigeria where a south-north gradient exists for rainfall, length of growing season, and insolation. One study s...
Ekeleme, F.
Akobundu, I.O.
Fadayomi, R.O.
Chikoye, D.
Abayomi, Y.A.
[Characterization of legume cover crops for weed suppression in the moist savanna of Nigeria]
Characterization of legume cover crops for weed suppression in the moist savanna of Nigeria
Weed seed bank size and composition were analysed in 1995 and 1996 in maize fields mulched with pruning from Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, and Senna siamea in South Western Nigeria. Plots mulched with pruning from the three trees had a lower weed seed bank in the first year of croppin...
Kamara, A.Y.
Akobundu, I.O.
Chikoye, D.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Weed seed bank size and composition in an arable crop mulched with pruning from three multipurpose trees in southwestern Nigeria]
Weed seed bank size and composition in an arable crop mulched with pruning from three multipurpose trees in southwestern Nigeria
Field experiments were conducted in 1992 to 1993 and in 1995 to 1996 in Ibadan, Nigeria, to assess the effect of velvetbean and herbicides on maize (corn) and cogongrass growth and to assess regrowth of the weed 1 yr after treatment. In 1992 and 1995 cover cropping with velvetbean and imazapyr an...
Udensi, U.E.
Akobundu, I.O.
Ayeni, A.O.
Chikoye, D.
[Management of cogongrass Imperata cylindrica with velvetbean Mucuna pruriens var. utilis and herbicides]
Management of cogongrass Imperata cylindrica with velvetbean Mucuna pruriens var. utilis and herbicides
The influence of weeds on maize intercropped with cassava was evaluated in three fallow management systems and four cropping frequencies from 1989 to 1996 in lbadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Fallow management systems consisted of natural bush, Leucaena leucocephala hedgerows and Puerctria phaseoloid...
Akobundu, I.O.
Ekeleme, F.
Chikoye, D.
[Influence of fallow management systems and frequency of cropping on weed growth and crop yield]
Influence of fallow management systems and frequency of cropping on weed growth and crop yield
The restorative ability of herbaceous (Psophocarpus palustris, Pueraria phaseoloides) and woody (Leucaena leucocephala, Senna siamea, Acacia leptocarpa, Acacia auriculiformis) legume species and of natural regrowth was studied on an eroded and compacted Oxic Paleustalf in southwestern Nigeria. Co...
Kang, B.T.
Salako, F.K.
Akobundu, I.O.
Pleysier, J.L.
Chianu, J.N.
[Amelioration of a degraded Oxic Paleustalf by leguminous and natural fallows]
Amelioration of a degraded Oxic Paleustalf by leguminous and natural fallows
The climbing growth habit of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) coupled with its inability to shade the ground completely at any stage of its growth and development makes it very susceptible to weed interference. The critical period of weed interference in white yam was between the 8th and 16th week...
Akobundu, I.O.
[Weed interference and control in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir)]
Weed interference and control in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir)
Planted fallows are an alternative to the unsustainable bush fallow for improved soil and weed management in the tropics. However, the interactive effects of planted fallows and tillage on the weed seedbank are not well documented in the tropical environment. The effect of fallow type and tillage...
Ekeleme, F.
Chikoye, D.
Akobundu, I.O.
[Weed seedbank response to planted fallow and tillage in southwest Nigeria]
Weed seedbank response to planted fallow and tillage in southwest Nigeria