Saltzman, Amy
Birol, Ekin
Oparinde, Adewale
Andersson, Meike S.
Asare-Marfo, Dorene
Diressie, Michael T.
González, Carolina
Lividini, Keith
Moursi, Mourad
Zeller, Manfred
[Availability, production, and consumption of crops biofortified by plant breeding: current evidence and future potential]
Availability, production, and consumption of crops biofortified by plant breeding: current evidence and future potential
In recent times, results of various adoption studies have been mixed, raising questions regarding why some improved farm technologies are still not widely adopted several years after their first introduction. Many improved cassava varieties have been introduced to millions of farm households acro...
Oparinde, A.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Manyong, Victor M.
Birol, E.
Asare-Marfo, Dorene
Kulakow, P.A.
Ilona, P.
[A technical review of modern cassava technology adoption in Nigeria (1985-2013): trends, challenges, and opportunities: HarvestPlus working paper, No. 23]
A technical review of modern cassava technology adoption in Nigeria (1985-2013): trends, challenges, and opportunities: HarvestPlus working paper, No. 23
HarvestPlus and its partners have successfully developed and delivered iron bean varieties to more than one million farming households in Rwanda, DRC, and Uganda to help combat the adverse health effects of iron deficiency widespread in these countries. Focusing primarily on Rwanda, this chapter ...
Mulambu, J.
Andersson, Meike S.
Palenberg, M.
Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.
Saltzman, Amy
Birol, E.
Oparinde, A.
Boy, E.
Asare-Marfo, Dorene
Lubobo, A.
Mukankusi, Clare Mugisha
Nkalubo, Stanley T.
[Iron beans in Rwanda: crop development and delivery experience]
Iron beans in Rwanda: crop development and delivery experience
An impact assessment (IA) study was conducted in Rwanda in 2015 Season B in order to establish the adoption rates of HIB varieties among rural bean producing and to generate useful information on delivery and breeding efforts by analyzing the facilitating/hindering factors to adoption and diffusi...
Asare-Marfo, Dorene
Herrington, Caitlin
Alwang, Jeffrey
Birachi, Eliud Abucheli
Birol, Ekin
Diressie, Michael T.
Dusenge, Leonidas
Funes, Jose
Katungi, Enid
Labarta, R.A.
Larochelle, Catherine
Katsvairo, Lister
Lividini, Keith
Lubowa, Abdelrahman
Moursi, Mourad
Mulambu, Joseph
Murekezi, Abdoul
Musoni, Augustine
Nkundimana, Jean d’Amour
Oparinde, Adewale
Vaiknoras, Kate
Zeller, Manfred
[Assessing the adoption of high iron bean varieties and their impact on iron intakes and other livelihood outcomes in Rwanda: Listing Exercise Report]
Assessing the adoption of high iron bean varieties and their impact on iron intakes and other livelihood outcomes in Rwanda: Listing Exercise Report