This paper sheds light on the marketing of Dacryodes edulis in the humid forest zone of Cameroon. The results of the study show that the marketing margins are related to the type of fruits, its state (quality), the selling place and the market supply, which also depend on the production period. T...
Awono, A.
Ndoye, O.
Schreckenberg, Kate
[La commercialisation de Dacryodes edulis dans la zone forestière humide du Cameroun]
La commercialisation de Dacryodes edulis dans la zone forestière humide du Cameroun
Ndoye, O.
Awono, A.
Schreckenberg, Kate
Leakey, R.
[Commercialising indigenous fruit for poverty alleviation]
Commercialising indigenous fruit for poverty alleviation
The contribution that domesticated indigenous fruit trees make to many farmers’ livelihoods is often not acknowledged in either national- or international-level poverty reduction strategies. Current agricultural data tend to be restricted to a narrow range of exotic fruit (e.g. mango, avocado, ci...
Schreckenberg, Kate
Awono, A.
Degrande, A.
Mbosso, C.
Ndoye, O.
Tchoundjeu, Z.
[Domesticating indigenous fruit trees as a contribution to poverty reduction]
Domesticating indigenous fruit trees as a contribution to poverty reduction
Larson, A.M.
Dokken, T.
Duchelle, Amy E.
Atmadja, S.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
Cronkleton, P.
Cromberg, M.
Sunderlin, William D.
Awono, A.
Selaya, G.
[The role of women in early REDD+ implementation: lessons for future engagement]
The role of women in early REDD+ implementation: lessons for future engagement
Ce livre, synthèse des connaissances sur les fruitiers forestiers comestibles du Cameroun, a pour objectif de fournir aux praticiens et aux décideurs des informations sur ces plantes qui jouent un rôle très important dans la vie des populations du Cameroun en particulier et de l'Afrique sub-Sahar...
Eyog-Matig, O.
Ndoye, O.
Kengue, J.
Awono, A.
[Les fruitiers forestiers comestibles du Cameroun]
Les fruitiers forestiers comestibles du Cameroun
Ndoye, O.
Awono, A.
Schreckenberg, Kate
Leakey, R.
[Commercialiser les fruits locaux pour reduire la pauvrete]
Commercialiser les fruits locaux pour reduire la pauvrete
Problems surrounding the (over) exploitation of fuelwood have mainly been studied in the context of dry and semi arid forests in African Sahel countries. For the tropical and humid forests, such as the Central African region, the fuelwood sector has received less attention as there is a general a...
Schure, J.
Ingram, V.
Awono, A.
Binzangi, K.
[From tree to tea to CO2 in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a framework for analyzing the market chain of fuelwood around Kinshasa and Kisangani]
From tree to tea to CO2 in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a framework for analyzing the market chain of fuelwood around Kinshasa and Kisangani
In Cameroon, women as the primary gatherers and traders of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) have limited access to processing technologies, marketing strategies and market information. The objective of this paper is to explore how CIFOR research and capacity building implemented from 2000 have ...
Awono, A.
Ndoye, O.
Preece, L.
[Empowering women’s capacity for improved livelihoods in non-timber forest product trade in Cameroon]
Empowering women’s capacity for improved livelihoods in non-timber forest product trade in Cameroon