Describes techniques of long-and short-term measurements of changes in vegetation and feed resources in pastoral systems, with particular reference to sampling techniques and costs of the various methods.
Discusses the results of the measurement of environmental changes in grazed ecosystems with reference to correlated changes in livestock management in Kenya; includes techniques used to measure the changes, and proposed methods; presents data on a case study at a group ranch located in western Ke...
Describes the woody components in the African Savanna rangelands and the production of wood and grass with supporting data on number of trees & shrubs per hactare (Data from Ethiopia and Senegal); also describes the tree populations with data on woody layer and grass layer productivities in vario...
Presents results of a study on trees and shrubs of a Sahelian site in Senegal, w. respect to aboveground biomass, productivity and consumption by livestock. Discusses the impact of the 1972 drought on various plant zones of the area.