The publication aims at shedding light on the use, nutritional properties, market potential and contribution to local livelihoods of Andean grains (quinoa, cañahua and amaranth). It addresses some of the research gaps regarding knowledge of the use, as well as the market and non-market value of t...
Giuliani, A.
Hintermann, F.
Rojas, W.
Padulosi, S.
Bioversity International
Bern University of Applied Science
[Biodiversity of Andean grains: balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods]
Biodiversity of Andean grains: balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods
Ce manuel de formation est destiné aux chercheurs et étudiants qui travaillent avec des données sur la biodiversité et qui souhaitent développer des compétences pour mener à bien des analyses spatiales basées sur des applications SIG (gratuites) qui mettent l’accent sur les analyses écologiques e...
Scheldeman, X.
Zonneveld, Maarten van
Bioversity International
[Manuel de formation à l’analyse spatiale de la diversité et de la distribution des plantes]
Manuel de formation à l’analyse spatiale de la diversité et de la distribution des plantes
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) was adopted in 2001, after eight years of negotiation, and came into force in 2004. Its objectives are the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair an...
López Noriega, I.
Halewood, Michael
Lapeña, I.
Bioversity International
[The multilateral system of access and benefit sharing: Case studies on implementation in Kenya, Morocco, Philippines and Peru]
The multilateral system of access and benefit sharing: Case studies on implementation in Kenya, Morocco, Philippines and Peru
La lista de descriptores para quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) y sus parientes silvestres es una revisión de la publicación original del CIRF (actualmente Bioversity International), titulada “Descriptores de quinua” (AGP:IBPGR/81/104). Esta revisión, se amplió para acomodar los parientes silves...
Bioversity International
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Fundación para la Promoción e Investigación de Productos Andinos
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal
International Fund for Agricultural Development
[Descriptores para quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) y sus parientes silvestres]
Descriptores para quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) y sus parientes silvestres
Descriptors for Butia were developed as part of the results of the PhD research project “Characterization of natural populations of Butia odorata in the Pampa Biome” (2013), and subsequent investigations on the diversity of Butia by the authors. It is the product of exhaustive collaboration amon...
Neglected and underutilized species (NUS) are those to which little attention is paid or which are entirely ignored by agricultural researchers, plant breeders and policymakers1. Typically, NUS are not traded as commodities. They are wild or semi-domesticated varieties and non-timber forest speci...
Padulosi, S.
Bioversity International
Thompson, J.
Rudebjer, P.G.
[Fighting poverty, hunger and malnutrition with neglected and underutilized species: needs, challenges and the way forward]
Fighting poverty, hunger and malnutrition with neglected and underutilized species: needs, challenges and the way forward
Bioversity International
Jiménez, A.
Jager, M.
Amaya, K.
[Las cadenas de valor de los ajies nativos de Peru: Compilacion de los estudios realizados dentro del marco del proyecto "Rescate y promociun de ajies nativos en su centro de origen" para Peru]
Las cadenas de valor de los ajies nativos de Peru: Compilacion de los estudios realizados dentro del marco del proyecto "Rescate y promociun de ajies nativos en su centro de origen" para Peru
Esta publicacion es el resultado de una investigacion colaborativa entre Bioversity International y la Fundacion para la Promocion e Investigacion de Productos Andinos (PROINPA). Se ocupa de las cuestiones relativas a la conservacion de la agrobiodiversidad en finca, un campo poco abordado por la...
Gruberg, H.
Bioversity International
Meldrum, C.
Padulosi, S.
Rojas, W.
Pinto, M.
Crane, Todd A.
[Hacia un mejor entendimiento sobre los agricultores custodios y sus roles: percepciones de un estudio de caso en Cachilaya, Bolivia]
Hacia un mejor entendimiento sobre los agricultores custodios y sus roles: percepciones de un estudio de caso en Cachilaya, Bolivia
The present list of descriptors for the standardized development of crop wild relative (CWR) checklists and inventories is based on results from a series of international projects that progressively worked to improve information management related to CWR conservation and use. The creation of chec...
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
[Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1]
Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1
Descriptors for hazelnut, or filbert, (Corylus avellana L.) were developed by Professor Dr A. Ilhami Koksal and Dr Nurdan Tuna Gunes. An advanced draft was subsequently prepared by a group of experts within the FAO-CIHEAM Interregional Cooperative Research Network on Nut trees, coordinated by Dr ...
Bioversity International
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
[Descriptors for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)]
Descriptors for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)