Technical guidelines are targeted to practical forest managers and provide summarized information on the biology and ecology of tree species, distribution ranges, importance and use, genetic knowledge, threats to genetic diversity and recommendations for long-term genetic conservation. For the fu...
Technical guidelines are targeted to practical forest managers and provide summarized information on the biology and ecology of tree species, distribution ranges, importance and use, genetic knowledge, threats to genetic diversity and recommendations for long-term genetic conservation. For the fu...
This toolkit provides practical guidance for making use of the “Indicators of Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)” in the field. The indicators are a tool for engaging local communities in adaptive management of the landscapes and seascapes in which they liv...
Bergamini, N.
Dunbar, W.
Eyzaguirre, Pablo B.
Ichikawa, K.
Matsumoto, I.
Mijatovic, D.
Morimoto, Y.
Remple, N.
Salvemini, D.
Suzuki, W.
Vernooy, Ronnie
United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
Bioversity International
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
United Nations Environment Programme
[Toolkit for the indicators of resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes]
Toolkit for the indicators of resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes
Le Guide technique pour les transferts sécurisés de matériel génétique de cacaoyer présente des informations à jour sur les précautions et les mesures de quarantaine permettant de minimiser le risque de propagation des ravageurs et des maladies lors des mouvements de matériel génétique pour la re...
End, M.J.
Daymond, A.J.
Hadley, P.
Global Cacao Genetic Resources Network
Bioversity International
[Guide technique pour les tranferts sécurisés de matériel génétique de cacaoyer: Révision des directives techniques FAO/IPGRI No. 20]
Guide technique pour les tranferts sécurisés de matériel génétique de cacaoyer: Révision des directives techniques FAO/IPGRI No. 20
Las Directrices Técnicas CacaoNet para el Movimiento Seguro de Germoplasma de Cacao contienen información actualizada sobre las medidas de precaución y cuarentenarias que se pueden tomar para minimizar el riesgo de introducir plagas y enfermedades cuando se traslada germoplasma de cacao para uso ...
End, M.J.
Daymond, A.J.
Hadley, P.
Global Cacao Genetic Resources Network
Bioversity International
[Directrices técnicas para el movimiento seguro del germoplasma del cacao.: Versión revisada de las Directrices técnicas de FAO/IPGRI No. 20]
Directrices técnicas para el movimiento seguro del germoplasma del cacao.: Versión revisada de las Directrices técnicas de FAO/IPGRI No. 20
These technical guidelines are intended to assist those who cherish the valuable cork oak genepool and its inheritance, through conserving valuable seed sources or use in practical forestry. The focus is on conserving the genetic diversity of the species at the European scale.
The aim of this publication is to provide information and guidance on cryopreservation methodologies suitable for use on Musa germplasm. The different methods currently used at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) for cryopreserving Musa cultures are described as well as the advantages and d...
Engelmann, F.
Benson, E.
Bioversity International
[Cryoconservation de matériel génétique de bananier: 2ème édition]
Cryoconservation de matériel génétique de bananier: 2ème édition
The aim of this publication is to provide information and guidance on cryopreservation methodologies suitable for use on Musa germplasm. The different methods currently used at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) for cryopreserving Musa cultures are described as well as the advantages and d...