The government of Laos long term policy is aiming at reducing rural poverty and stabilize shifting cultivation by creating permanent job for local people, in order to increase forest cover while avoiding negative impacts on deforestation. The overnment of Laos promotes foreign investment in devel...
Bouahom, B.
Alberny, E.
Douangsavanh, L.
Castella, J.C.
[Dynamics of rubber expansion in Lao PDR: policy making under uncertainty]
Dynamics of rubber expansion in Lao PDR: policy making under uncertainty
Managing complex landscape mosaics in areas dominated by poverty often requires addressing conflicting objectives and managing trade-offs, such as that between maintaining/enhancing ecological functions and improving livelihoods. Laos, like many other developing countries dependent on agriculture...
Bourgoin, J.
Castella, J.C.
Pullar, D.
Lestrelin, Guillaume
Bouahom, B.
[Toward a land zoning negotiation support platform: “Tips and tricks” for participatory land use planning in Laos]
Toward a land zoning negotiation support platform: “Tips and tricks” for participatory land use planning in Laos
The 2000s decade has seen a lot of changes in the northern uplands of Lao PDR that where driven by three main drivers or agents of change: government policies, foreign private investors and development assistance led by bilateral or multilateral organizations or international NGOs. These three sp...
Douangsavanh, L.
Laddavong, P.
Bouahom, B.
Castella, J.C.
[Policy implications of land use changes in the uplands of northern Lao PDR]
Policy implications of land use changes in the uplands of northern Lao PDR