The bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus, is an important storage pest of common beans in Latin America and Africa. A few wild bean accessions from Mexico have been identified as highly resistant to the weevil. One accession, G 12952, was crossed to two susceptible bean cultivars differing in see...
Kornegay, Julia L.
Cardona, C.
[Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars]
Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars
Four different types of arcelin, a protein that plays an important role in resistance to bruchids such as Zabrotes subfasciatus, were identified in wild accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris. Isogenic lines with cultivated black- (Porrillo 70) and white- (Sanilac) seeded parents were obtained by norma...
Harmsen, R.
Bliss, Fredrick A.
Cardona, C.
Osborn, Thomas C.
[Transferring genes for arcelin protein from wild to cultivated beans: Implications for bruchid resistance]
Transferring genes for arcelin protein from wild to cultivated beans: Implications for bruchid resistance
Aguirre, L.M.
Cardona, C.
Miles, John W.
Sotelo, G.
[Characterization of resistance to adult spittlebugs (Hemiptera:Cercopidae) in Brachiaria spp.]
Characterization of resistance to adult spittlebugs (Hemiptera:Cercopidae) in Brachiaria spp.
Nymphs and adults of several spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) species are key pests of forage brachiariagrasses (Brachiaria spp.) in tropical America. To support current breeding programs, a series of experiments aimed at characterizing the mechanisms of resistance to adult feeding damage were ...
Aguirre, L.M.
Cardona, C.
Miles, John W.
Sotelo, G.
[Characterization of resistance to adult spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in Brachiaria spp.]
Characterization of resistance to adult spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in Brachiaria spp.
Pests and diseases are important production constraints of snap beans in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Among the most important conditions favoring their development are climate, planting susceptible varieties in monoculture over entire regions, staggered planting dates, and plan...
Cardona, C.
Pastor Corrales, Marcial A.
[Strategies for management of pests and diseases of snap beans in Latin America]
Strategies for management of pests and diseases of snap beans in Latin America
An expt. to study the background soil effects associated with var. resistance in bean pest populations, virus incidence and yield was carried out at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Colombia from Jan.-March, 1978. The effect of the treatments and of the var. on Em...
Hohmann, C.L.
Schoonhoven, Aart van
Cardona, C.
[Manejo de pragas do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, Linnaeus, 17S3) atraves da utilizacao de cobertura de solo associada a resistwncia varietal]
Manejo de pragas do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris, Linnaeus, 17S3) atraves da utilizacao de cobertura de solo associada a resistwncia varietal
Plants can resist herbivore damage through three broad mechanisms: antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance. Antixenosis is the degree to which the plant is avoided when the herbivore is able to select other plants. Antibiosis is the degree to which the plant affects the fitness of the herbivore fee...
Parsa, S
Sotelo, G.
Cardona, C.
[Characterizing herbivore resistance mechanisms: spittlebugs on brachiaria spp. as an example]
Characterizing herbivore resistance mechanisms: spittlebugs on brachiaria spp. as an example
The objectives of CIATs Entomology Program are: (1) the survey and identification of insect and mite species in L.A.; (2) establishment of the economic importance of pest species in terms of yield decrease and their geographic distribution; (3) evaluation of cv. for their resistance to determined...