This document is a report on the implementation of an initial project of Bulungan Research Forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia 1997-2001 with financial support from International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). It contains an executive summary, the main text of the project objectives and ou...
Center for International Forestry Research
[ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F) - Forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model forest: completion report phase I 1997-2001]
ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F) - Forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model forest: completion report phase I 1997-2001
CIFOR's research in the Bulungan Model Forest in Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia took the form of a 3-year investigation into ways of achieving forest sustainability in a large forest landscape with diverse, rapidly changing and conflicting uses. The study reported in this book highligts the ...
Center for International Forestry Research
[ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F): forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model forest: technical report phase I, 1997-2001]
ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F): forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model forest: technical report phase I, 1997-2001
This infobrief provides key points that will benefit disadvantaged groups in multistakeholder negotiations. Negotiations that include all the groups or stakeholders concerned should increase democratic decision-making and compromise. Experience has shown that the benefits that disandvantaged grou...
Center for International Forestry Research
[Increasing the benefits to disadvantaged groups in multistakeholder forestry negotiations]
Increasing the benefits to disadvantaged groups in multistakeholder forestry negotiations
Center for International Forestry Research
[Escenarios participativos sobre la seguridad de la tenencia comunal de la tierra en la región de Madre de Dios]
Escenarios participativos sobre la seguridad de la tenencia comunal de la tierra en la región de Madre de Dios