In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the increasing competition for water between various sectors is aggravated by growing demands for water, climate change and environmental degradation. One of the major consumers of water is livestock keeping, which is an important livelihood strategy for smallholder f...
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Amede, Tilahun
Haileslassie, Amare
[Livestock and water interactions in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: interventions for improved productivity]
Livestock and water interactions in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: interventions for improved productivity
Mixed crop-livestock systems provide livelihoods for a billion people and produce half the world’s cereal and around a third of its beef and milk. Market orientation and strong and growing demand for food provide powerful incentives for sustainable intensification of both crop and livestock enter...
Duncan, Alan J.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Thorne, Peter J.
Valbuena, Diego
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Homann-Kee Tui, Sabine
[Integrated crop-livestock systems—A key to sustainable intensification in Africa]
Integrated crop-livestock systems—A key to sustainable intensification in Africa
Rural households in sub-Saharan Africa earn a substantial part of their living from rain-fed smallholder agriculture, which is highly sensitive to climate change. There is a growing number of multi-level assessments on impacts and adaptation options for African smallholder systems under climate c...
Wichern, Jannike
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Giller, Ken E.
Ebanyat, Peter
Taulya, G.
Wijk, Mark T. van
[Vulnerability and adaptation options to climate change for rural livelihoods – a country-wide analysis for Uganda]
Vulnerability and adaptation options to climate change for rural livelihoods – a country-wide analysis for Uganda
Agricultural systems of Northern Ethiopia are under pressure from demographic expansion leading to land degradation and increasing water scarcity. Livestock water productivity (LWP) is an important component in improving overall productivity in mixed crop-livestock systems. The objective of the s...
Mekonnen, S.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Tolera, A.
Amede, Tilahun
[Livestock water productivity in a water stressed environment in northern Ethiopia]
Livestock water productivity in a water stressed environment in northern Ethiopia
Haileslassie, Amare
Blümmel, Michael
Samad, M.
Clement, Floriane
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Samireddypalle, A.
[Building resilience of rain fed production systems to climate change: Livestock water productivity perspectives]
Building resilience of rain fed production systems to climate change: Livestock water productivity perspectives
Traoré, B.
Wijk, Mark T. van
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Corbeels, Marc
Rufino, Mariana C.
Giller, Ken E.
[Climate variability and change in Southern Mali: learning from farmer perceptions and on-farm trials]
Climate variability and change in Southern Mali: learning from farmer perceptions and on-farm trials
During the December 2009 SLP meeting in Addis Ababa, Katrien Descheemaeker (IWMI/ILRI) introduces her project that looks to improve water productivity of mixed crop-livestock smallholder systems in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
[Improving water productivity of mixed crop-livestock smallholder systems]
Improving water productivity of mixed crop-livestock smallholder systems
Agricultural production in Northern Ghana is dominated by smallholder farm systems, which are characterized by low inputs and low outputs, declining soil fertility, large yield gaps and limited adoption of agricultural technologies. There is an urgent need for alternative farm designs that are mo...
Michalscheck, M.
Groot, Jeroen C.J.
Kotu, Bekele Hundie
Hoeschle-Zeledon, Irmgard
Kuivanen, K.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Tittonell, Pablo A.
[Model results versus farmer realities: Operationalizing diversity within and among smallholder farm systems for a nuanced impact assessment of technology packages]
Model results versus farmer realities: Operationalizing diversity within and among smallholder farm systems for a nuanced impact assessment of technology packages
Typologies may be used as tools for dealing with farming system heterogeneity. This is achieved by classifying farms into groups that have common characteristics, i.e. farm types, which can support the implementation of a more tailored approach to agricultural development. This article explored p...
Kuivanen, K.S.
Álvarez, S.
Michalscheck, Mirja
Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Mellon-Bedi, S.
Groot, Jeroen C.J.
[Characterising the diversity of smallholder farming systems and their constraints and opportunities for innovation: a case study from the northern region, Ghana]
Characterising the diversity of smallholder farming systems and their constraints and opportunities for innovation: a case study from the northern region, Ghana
Álvarez, S.
Paas, W.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Tittonell, Pablo A.
Groot, Jeroen C.J.
[Typology construction, a way of dealing with farm diversity: General guidelines for Humidtropics]
Typology construction, a way of dealing with farm diversity: General guidelines for Humidtropics