With support provided by the state, cocoa and coffee are among the main perennial crops providing income to farmers living in the heart of the pristine forest of East Cameroon (Northern part of the Congo Basin). Regular in comes from these perennial crops have enabled farmers not to depend solely...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Adesina, A.A.
Tchatat, M.
Ndoye, O.
Endamana, D.
[Adaptations of cocoa and coffee farmers communities in the heart of remnant pristine forest of east Cameroon to institutional changes]
Adaptations of cocoa and coffee farmers communities in the heart of remnant pristine forest of east Cameroon to institutional changes
The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics and preferences of cocoa farmers in the humid forest zone of Cameroon who are actively diversifying their cocoa agroforests by planting Dacryodes edulis. A survey conducted amongst 300 farmers revealed that about 80 percent of them grow Da...
Sanwa, D.J.
Tchatat, M.
Adesina, A.A.
Weise, S.F.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
Ndoye, O.
Endamana, D.
[Domestication dans les cacaoyères de la zone de forêt humide du Sud-Cameroun: caractéristiques et préférences des cacaoculteurs pratiquant l’arboriculture de Dacryodes edulis]
Domestication dans les cacaoyères de la zone de forêt humide du Sud-Cameroun: caractéristiques et préférences des cacaoculteurs pratiquant l’arboriculture de Dacryodes edulis
Slash-and-burn agriculture continues to expand in many parts of the forest zone of Cameroon. One alternative land use to slash-and-burn system is alley farming. This paper quantifies, using an econometric model, the factors determining farmers’ adoption and use of alley farming variants in southw...
Adesina, A.A.
Mbila, D.
Nkamleu, G.B.
Endamana, D.
[Econometric analysis of the determinants of adoption of alley farming by farmers in the forest zone of southwest Cameroon]
Econometric analysis of the determinants of adoption of alley farming by farmers in the forest zone of southwest Cameroon