En Honduras y Nicaragua existen zonas caracterizadas por épocas secas prolongadas (4 a 8 meses) durante las cuales la oferta de forrajes es deficitaria y por el predominio de explotaciones ganaderas de pequeños propietarios en sistemas doble propósito (producción de leche y carne). El Centro Inte...
Fujisaka, Sam
Holmann, Federico J.
Peters, Michael
Schmidt, A.
Burgos, C.
Mena Urbina, Martin A.
Posas, M.I.
Cruz, H.
Davis, C.
Hincapié Carvajal, Belisario
[Estrategias para minimizar la escasez de forrajes en zonas con sequías prolongadas en Honduras y Nicaragua.]
Estrategias para minimizar la escasez de forrajes en zonas con sequías prolongadas en Honduras y Nicaragua.
Land use was examined in three settlements Pedro Peixoto in Acre and Theobroma in Rondonia, Brazil, and Pucallpa, in Peru. Research aimed at characterizing the differences in land use after initial slash-and-burn, and presenting hypotheses to assess the feasibility of improved land uses. Settle...
Fujisaka, Sam
White, D.
[Pasture or permanent crops after slash-and-burn cultivation? Land-use choice in three Amazon colonies]
Pasture or permanent crops after slash-and-burn cultivation? Land-use choice in three Amazon colonies
The world s poorest and most vulnerable farmers on the whole have not benefited from international agricultural research and development. Past efforts have tried to increase the production of countries in more favourable environments; farmers with relatively higher potential for improvement benef...
Hyman, Glenn
Fujisaka, Sam
Jones, Peter G.
Wood, S.
Vicente, M.C. de
Dixon, John A.
[Strategic approaches to targeting technology generation: assessing the coincidence of poverty and drought-prone crop production]
Strategic approaches to targeting technology generation: assessing the coincidence of poverty and drought-prone crop production
Escobar, Germán
Fujisaka, Sam
Veneklaas, Erik Jan
[Nuevo método para la evaluación rápida de la biodiversidad de plantas en diferentes usos de tierras]
Nuevo método para la evaluación rápida de la biodiversidad de plantas en diferentes usos de tierras
Numbers of plant species and individuals were examined relative to land use in an agricultural settlement in the Brasilian Amazon. Land uses were forest, cropped after forest, fallows, cropped after fallow, and pasture. These uses corresponded roughly to farmers` land use changes over time. As ex...
Fujisaka, Sam
Escobar, G.
[Plant community diversity relative to human land uses in an Amazon forest colony]
Plant community diversity relative to human land uses in an Amazon forest colony