This study determines whether the establishment of tropical protected areas (PAs) has led to a reduction in deforestation within their boundaries or whether deforestation has been displaced to adjacent unprotected areas: a process termed neighbourhood leakage. We processed and analysed 98 corres...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Epting, J.
Lyne, O.
Linkie, M.
Kumara, I.
Kanninen, M.
Leader-Williams, N.
[Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra]
Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra
Payments for reduced carbon emissions from deforestation (RED) are now attracting attention as a way to halt tropical deforestation. Northern Sumatra comprises an area of 65 000 km2 that is both the site of Indonesia’s first planned RED initiative, and the stronghold of 92% of remaining Sumatran ...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Wich, S.
Epting, J.
Juhn, D.
Kanninen, M.
Leader-Williams, N.
[The future of forests and orangutans (Pongo abelii) in Sumatra: predicting impacts of oil palm plantations, road construction, and mechanisms for reducing carbon emissions from deforestation]
The future of forests and orangutans (Pongo abelii) in Sumatra: predicting impacts of oil palm plantations, road construction, and mechanisms for reducing carbon emissions from deforestation
In situ conservation of tropical forests often requires restricting human use and occupancy within protected areas by enforcing regulations. However, law enforcement interventions that seek to prevent deforestation rarely have been evaluated. Conservationists increasingly recognize the need to me...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Linkie, M.
Levang, P.
Leader-Williams, N.
[Three decades of deforestation in southwest Sumatra: effects of coffee prices, law enforcement and rural poverty]
Three decades of deforestation in southwest Sumatra: effects of coffee prices, law enforcement and rural poverty
Trans-boundary haze events in Southeast Asia are associated with large forest and peatland fires in Indonesia. These episodes of extreme air pollution usually occur during drought years induced by climate anomalies from the Pacific (El Niño Southern Oscillation) and Indian Oceans (Indian Ocean Di...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Salim, Mohammad A.
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Locatelli, Bruno
Sloan, Sean
Wooster, Martin
Marlier, Miriam E.
Molidena, Elis
Yaen, Husana
DeFries, Ruth
Verchot, Louis V.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Nasi, Robert
Holmgren, Peter
Sheil, Douglas
[Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires]
Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires
Levang, P.
Sitorus, S
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Sunderland, T.C.H.
[Landless farmers, sly opportunists, and manipulated voters: the squatters of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (Indonesia)]
Landless farmers, sly opportunists, and manipulated voters: the squatters of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (Indonesia)
Wells, J.A.
Wilson, K.A.
Abram, N.K.
Nunn, M.
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Runting, R.K.
Tarniati, N.
Mengersen, K.L.
Meijaard, E.
[Rising floodwaters: mapping impacts and perceptions of flooding in Indonesian Borneo]
Rising floodwaters: mapping impacts and perceptions of flooding in Indonesian Borneo
Marlier, M.E.
DeFries, R.
Kim, P.S.
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Koplitz, S.N.
Jacob, D.J.
Mickley, L.J.
Margono, B.A.
Myers, S.S.
[Regional air quality impacts of future fire emissions in Sumatra and Kalimantan]
Regional air quality impacts of future fire emissions in Sumatra and Kalimantan
Runting, R. K.
Meijaard, E.
Abram, N.K.
Wells, J.A.
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Ancrenaz, M.
Possingham, H.P.
Wich, S.A.
Ardiansyah, F.
Gumal, M.T.
Ambu, L.N.
Wilson, K.A.
[Alternative futures for Borneo show the value of integrating economic and conservation targets across borders]
Alternative futures for Borneo show the value of integrating economic and conservation targets across borders
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Sloan, S
Molidena, E
Yaen, H
Sheil, D.
Abram, N.K.
Ancrenaz, M.
Nasi, Robert
Quinones, M.
Wielaard, N
Meijaard, E.
[Four decades of forest persistence, clearance and logging on Borneo]
Four decades of forest persistence, clearance and logging on Borneo
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Kshatriya, Mrigesh
Sheil, D.
Sloan, S
Molidena, E
Wijaya, A.
Wich, S.
Ancrenaz, M.
Hansen, M
Broich, M
Guariguata, M.R.
Pacheco, P.
Potapov, P
Turubanova, S
Meijaard, E.
[Reconciling forest conservation and logging in Indonesian Borneo]
Reconciling forest conservation and logging in Indonesian Borneo