The purpose of the project is to enhance adaptation to climate variability through effective knowledge sharing processes in vulnerable ecosystems of the arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) of Kenya. This involves development and adaptation of methods that render mutual learning between livestock kee...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Mutual learning of livestock keepers and scientists for adaptation to climate change in pastoral areas]
Mutual learning of livestock keepers and scientists for adaptation to climate change in pastoral areas
The Plataformas are alliances between farmers and suppliers of agricultural services, including research institutes, NGOs, universities, and local governments that facilitate key knowledge-sharing and learning events. It also links smallholders’ organizations to higher value markets for their pro...
Improving pig feed systems and scaling out by linking with multiple development partners through a pig systems learning alliance. Evidence of impact – both direct and indirect; thematic focus of the learning alliance was considered a key to the impacts.
Part of a larger project funded by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), the BSM is a collective action process where an agreement among watershed inhabitants and stakeholders aims to solve the existing problems in the region such as deforestation, erosion, pollution of water bodies, re...
This project will develop and test community-based breeding strategies for resource poor sheep owners in the highlands of Ethiopia. It will operationalize a rising approach in genetic improvement of livestock breeds that necessitates the involvement of local communities and institutions in the de...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Designing community-based breeding strategies for indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders in Ethiopia]
Designing community-based breeding strategies for indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders in Ethiopia
PENAPH implements a program integrating targeted action research, policy enhancement and education. It nurtures collaborative research and diffusion of learning among experts in participatory epidemiology from around the world, to speed detection of emerging or re-emerging diseases. Emphasis is p...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Participatory epidemiology network for animal and public health (PENAPH)]
Participatory epidemiology network for animal and public health (PENAPH)
On the ground empirical testing of the use of the climate analogue tool as support for designing adaptation strategies in agriculture. The CCAFS “Farms of the Future” project uses the climate analogue tool to connect farmers to their possible climate futures via farm visits. This novel approach o...
Farmer business schools help enhance farmer capacity to participate in and benefit from agricultural market chains. It builds on the group-based experiential learning mode of farmer field schools, while shifting from a production- to a marketing-oriented curricular framework. Elements of training...
The Reto-o-Reto project, led by a collaborative research – facilitation team, was designed to create the knowledge and relationships to enable poor pastoral and agro-pastoral communities to influence local and national land-use policies affecting their livelihoods (access to pasture, water) and t...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Better policy and management options for pastoral lands: assessing trade-offs between poverty alleviation and wildlife conservation (Reto-O-Reto)]
Better policy and management options for pastoral lands: assessing trade-offs between poverty alleviation and wildlife conservation (Reto-O-Reto)