Agricultural development in Latin America and Africa is briefly analyzed, with particular reference to bean production. The major trends that affect bean production technology and its role in farming systems include population growth, especially in the highlands of Africa, and urbanization and in...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Concerns for the agricultural resource basis with respect to bean production]
Concerns for the agricultural resource basis with respect to bean production
Activities of international cooperation during 1981 are listed. Training courses in cassava production, tissue culture, physiology, and in advanced research for postgraduate work were attended by 38 professionals from 16 countries. From 1973 to 1981 cassava hybrid seeds have been distributed in L...
Se presentan las actividades de cooperacion internacional durante 1981. Se dictaron cursos de capacitacion cientifica sobre produccion de yuca; cultivo de tejidos; fisiologia; y especializacion de posgrado a 38 profesionales de 16 paises. Desde 1973 hasta 1981 se ha distribuido semilla hibrida en...
Advances in research of the soil and plant nutrition section of CIAT's Cassava Program in 1981 are given regarding symptoms of Ca and S deficiency, germplasm screening for adaptation to high acidity and/or low P; effect of fertilization (long-term fertility); level and time of K application; effe...
During 1981 the analysis of the potential adoption and impact of improved cassava production technology was continued at various levels and included: farm-level studies of the profitability of improved technology and constraints to adoption; analysis of costs of processing and marketing; and rese...
Durante 1981 se continuo el analisis de la adopcion potencial y el impacto de la tecnologia mejorada en la produccion de yuca en varios niveles se incluyo: estudios sobre la rentabilidad de tecnologia mejorada en fincas y limitaciones para la adopcion; analisis de costos de procesamiento y mercad...
Losses in root and planting material production caused by different pests as well as their biological control are evaluated. Studies of pests damaging dried cassava in storage were initiated. Biological aspects and form of attack of the following pests are described: stemborers (Lagochirus rogers...
During 1981, the efforts to use meristem-culture methods have continued, together with thermotherapy for recovering healthy clones. Frog skin disease was eradicated up to 100 percent in different cassava clones during various propagation cycles through the culture of small meristem tips. A routin...
Detailed information on the activities of the CIAT breeding program and African regional and national programs is presented, with special emphasis on the Great Lakes Regional Project in Central Africa. The main activities carried out in 1985 in the areas of training, var. development and introduc...
Se presenta informacion detallada sobre las actividades del programa de mejoramiento del CIAT y de los programas regionales y nacionales en Africa, con enfasis especial en el Proyecto Regional de los Grandes Lagos en Africa central. Se resumen y se presentan los principales resultados de las acti...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Capacitación científica y actividades de la red. Africa]
Capacitación científica y actividades de la red. Africa