Memorandum between Colombia, the World Bank, UNDP, FAO, and CIAT signed at Palmira, Colombia on October 12, 1983. Memorandum celebrates ten years of CIAT and ensures that CIAT had the features it needs to achieve its objectives. Memorandum is in Spanish.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Memorando entre el Gobierno de Colombia, el Banco Mundial, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Organizacion para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion, y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical]
Memorando entre el Gobierno de Colombia, el Banco Mundial, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Organizacion para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion, y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Memorandum between Colombia, the World Bank, UNDP, FAO, and CIAT signed at Palmira, Colombia on October 12, 1983. Memorandum celebrates ten years of CIAT and ensures that CIAT has all the features necessary to achieve its objectives. Memorandum is in English.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Memorandum between the Government of Colombia, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture]
Memorandum between the Government of Colombia, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Agreement between Peru and CIAT signed at Lima, Peru on April 5, 1988. Agreement establishes collaborative research between the two parties. Agreement is in Spanish and contains seven articles.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Convenio Basico de Cooperacion Tecnica y Cientifica en el Area Agropecuaria, Forestal y de Fauna entre el Gobierno de la Republica del Peru y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical]
Convenio Basico de Cooperacion Tecnica y Cientifica en el Area Agropecuaria, Forestal y de Fauna entre el Gobierno de la Republica del Peru y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Agreement between Colombia and CIAT signed at Bogota, Colombia on May 5, 1987. Agreement establishes Colombia as the permanent headquarters of CIAT. Agreement is in Spanish and contains eight articles.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Convenio entre el Govierno de la Republica de Colombia y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical]
Convenio entre el Govierno de la Republica de Colombia y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
CIAT proposal describing the general and specific objectives of the Cooperative Bean Production Systems Program should CIAT be selected as the site of the program. Agenda item presented at TAC Seventh Meeting, February 1974. . Also discussed at CGIAR ICW July August 1974.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Cooperative Bean Production Systems Program: CIAT Proposal]
Cooperative Bean Production Systems Program: CIAT Proposal
Draft agreement between Brazil and CIAT prepared in Brasilia in April 18, 1995. Agreement establishes collaborative scientific research between the two parties. Agreement is in Spanish and contains eight articles.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Convenio Basico de Cooperation Technica y Cientifica en el Area Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales entre el Gobierno de la Republica Federal del Brasil y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical-CIAT Bajo Privilegios e Inmunidades y Relaciones In]
Convenio Basico de Cooperation Technica y Cientifica en el Area Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales entre el Gobierno de la Republica Federal del Brasil y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical-CIAT Bajo Privilegios e Inmunidades y Relaciones In
International Livestock Research Institute
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Response to Comments from FC and ISPC]
Response to Comments from FC and ISPC
Estos son documentos sobre el tres reuniones adentro CIAT y el Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA). Visita 1: 27 y 28 de abril. Visita 2: 13 y 14 de julio. Visita 3: 4 y 5 de octubre. La firma de un nuevo convenio de cooperación entre la Corporación Colombiana
de Inves...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Adopted as P1.5 Policy - Open Access for CIAT since November 2013: CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy (the “Policy”)]
Adopted as P1.5 Policy - Open Access for CIAT since November 2013: CGIAR Open Access and Data Management Policy (the “Policy”)