This manual has been prepared for use by trainees and trainers of forage seed production. It is intended as a practical guide to cover some of the basic principles of production of quality forage seeds. The manual is divided into five chapters. The first chapter outlines field multiplication prac...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Inauguration Symposium on Current Trends in Immunology and Genetics and Their Implications for Parasitic Diseases]
Inauguration Symposium on Current Trends in Immunology and Genetics and Their Implications for Parasitic Diseases
Economic situation of the ILCA programme countries, particularly agricultural production, animal production and comparative analysis of price indicators in Ethiopia and Kenya.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya]
Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya
Note on the world beef and mutton market, w. emphasis on exporting and importing countries, price evolution of fresh and frozen meat and on price indicators.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Produits de base - Le marche mondial de la viande: Boeuf et mouton]
Produits de base - Le marche mondial de la viande: Boeuf et mouton
Development of trade in livestock and meat between countries of the sahelian zone and importing countries in west africa and central africa, with particular reference to price trends and effects of the drought on the breeding stock.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Produits de base - Les exportations de betail et de viande apres la secheresse au Sahel]
Produits de base - Les exportations de betail et de viande apres la secheresse au Sahel
Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed e...
Analysis of small ruminant production in developed and developing countries, particularly sheep & goat distribution in the world, meat, milk and wool regional distribution, trends of declining and growth production of small ruminants, and price ratios for wool, w. data on world meat & livestock p...