Economic situation of the ILCA programme countries, particularly agricultural production, animal production and comparative analysis of price indicators in Ethiopia and Kenya.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya]
Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Livestock development projects. Planning and evaluation. Report of a course]
Livestock development projects. Planning and evaluation. Report of a course
Study on the contribution of agriculture and the livestock sector to the Nigeria national economy, w. data on trend of agricultural production, import, export and prices of agricultural products, geographic distribution of livestock, meat supplies and livestock development projects in third natio...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[The Nigerian economy. Agriculture and the livestock sector]
The Nigerian economy. Agriculture and the livestock sector
Potential of tropical Africa for agro-industrial by-products suitable for animal feeding and fattening w. data on feed value of byproducts from cereals, tubers, oilseeds, sugar canes and others.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[The potential of Tropical Africa in by-products for animal feeds]
The potential of Tropical Africa in by-products for animal feeds
Enumeration of non - tariff barriers facing meat exports and their impact on tropical African exports w. note on development efforts and prospects. Data on distribution of world beef imports and tropical African exports, beef prices in selected countries, and trend of beef exports from East Afric...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Non tariff barriers facing beef trade and their impact on exports from Tropical Africa]
Non tariff barriers facing beef trade and their impact on exports from Tropical Africa
Analysis of small ruminant production in developed and developing countries, particularly sheep & goat distribution in the world, meat, milk and wool regional distribution, trends of declining and growth production of small ruminants, and price ratios for wool, w. data on world meat & livestock p...
Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed e...
Presents information on work carried out by ILCA in Ethiopia to develop an animal-drawn implement for reduced tillage, row planting and inter-row weeding. Comments briefly on the advantages and initial field test results on the implement.
Description of the ILCA Research Programme on small ruminants, with reference to the humid zone of West Africa, particularly Nigeria; data on sheep and goat flocks, livestock ownership and its distribution by size of holding, farming systems in ILCA research areas in Nigeria; mortality rates in a...