Economic situation of the ILCA programme countries, particularly agricultural production, animal production and comparative analysis of price indicators in Ethiopia and Kenya.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya]
Economies regionales - Les pays programme du CIPEA. Afrique de l'Est: Ethiopie et Kenya
Study on the contribution of agriculture and the livestock sector to the Nigeria national economy, w. data on trend of agricultural production, import, export and prices of agricultural products, geographic distribution of livestock, meat supplies and livestock development projects in third natio...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[The Nigerian economy. Agriculture and the livestock sector]
The Nigerian economy. Agriculture and the livestock sector
Study on the contribution of agriculture and the livestock sector to the Nigeria national economy, w. data on trend of agricultural production, import, export and prices of agricultural products, geographic distribution of livestock, meat supplies and livestock development projects in third natio...
Economic situation of the ILCA programme countries, particularly agricultural production, animal production and comparative analysis of price indicators in Ethiopia and Kenya.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Regional economies - The ILCA programme countries - East Africa: Ethiopia and Kenya]
Regional economies - The ILCA programme countries - East Africa: Ethiopia and Kenya