At least 25 species of root and tuber crops from 16 genera and 15 families are native to South America. Apart from the 7 species of potato (Solanum spp.), there are nine lesser known species native to the Andes that are grown for their edible underground organs and are traditionally, but not excl...
Hermann, M.
Heller, J.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Andean roots and tubers: Ahipa, arracacha, maca and yacon]
Andean roots and tubers: Ahipa, arracacha, maca and yacon
Diekmann, M.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[FAO/IBPGR technical guidelines for the safe movement of allium germplasm]
FAO/IBPGR technical guidelines for the safe movement of allium germplasm
This Guidebook comes with Genebank Management System Software User's Guide, a tutorial and reference guide for use with the Genebank Management System Software (GMS). This guidebook will assist users in making their own decision on the analysis, design, implementation and use of both manual and m...
Painting, K.A.
Perry, M.C.
Denning, R.A.
Ayad, W.G.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Guide de documentation des ressources génétiques: Méthode d'auto-formation pour la compréhension, l'analyse et l'utilisation de la documentation des ressources génétiques]
Guide de documentation des ressources génétiques: Méthode d'auto-formation pour la compréhension, l'analyse et l'utilisation de la documentation des ressources génétiques
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Newsletter for Sub-Saharan Africa: No. 12 December 1999]
Newsletter for Sub-Saharan Africa: No. 12 December 1999
The purpose of the third annual planning meeting was for the national project partners of the project ”Strengthening the Scientific Basis of in situ Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity” who have started data collection, together with technical advisers, IPGRI staff and relevant donors to: ·...
Jarvis, D.
Sthapit, B.
Sears, L.
International Cocoa Organization
Common Fund for Commodities
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Conserving agricultural biodiversity in situ : a scientific basis for sustainable agriculture]
Conserving agricultural biodiversity in situ : a scientific basis for sustainable agriculture
The meeting examined the role of field and in vitro germplasm collections in strategies to conserve and use clonally propagated crops, problems and constraints in their management, and the complementarity of field and in vitro germplasm collections. The meeting produced a list of key issues to ad...
Engelmann, F.
International Cocoa Organization
Common Fund for Commodities
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Management of field and in vitro GERMPLASM, STORAGE: Proceedings of a consultation meeting, 15-20 January 1996, CIAT, Cali, Colombia]
Management of field and in vitro GERMPLASM, STORAGE: Proceedings of a consultation meeting, 15-20 January 1996, CIAT, Cali, Colombia
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Boletín de las Américas: Volumen 4, No.1, Noviembre 1998]
Boletín de las Américas: Volumen 4, No.1, Noviembre 1998
This brochure provides an introduction to the CGIAR System-wide genetic resources programme's five thematic areas. These five areas are: policy, public awareness, information, knowledge and technology and capacity building.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
CGIAR Systemwide Genetic Resources Programme
[The strategy of the CGIAR system-wide genetic resources programme]
The strategy of the CGIAR system-wide genetic resources programme
This publication includes the papers presented during an international workshop held in Tsukuba, Japan in October, 1998 which was jointly organized by JIRCAS and IPGRI. This meeting aimed at assessing the state of the science, exploring cryopreservation applications, examining outstanding problem...
Engelmann, F.
Takagi, H.
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm: Current research progress and applications]
Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm: Current research progress and applications
This Guidebook comes with Genebank Management System Software User's Guide, a tutorial and reference guide for use with the Genebank Management System Software (GMS). This guidebook will assist users in making their own decision on the analysis, design, implementation and use of both manual and m...
Painting, K.A.
Perry, M.C.
Denning, R.A.
Ayad, W.G.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Guia para la documentacion de recursos geneticos: Un enfoque autodidactico para la comprension, análisis y desarrollo de la documentacion de los recursos geneticos]
Guia para la documentacion de recursos geneticos: Un enfoque autodidactico para la comprension, análisis y desarrollo de la documentacion de los recursos geneticos