The cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) in the Americas is widespread and well researched. It is less well known that Chenopodium was a common component of farming systems in the hilly and mountainous regions of Asia, particularly the Himalayas, the Hangduan mountains and the chain of upla...
Partap, T.
Joshi, B.D.
Galwey, Nicholas W.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Chenopods, Chenopodium spp.]
Chenopods, Chenopodium spp.
Policy and institutional frameworks for the conservation and use of plant genetic resources might be in place in many countries although with a variable degree of effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, the performance of existing organizations and institutions at the management and legal le...
Engels, J.M.M.
Kiambi, D.
Watts, J.
Zoungrana, I.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Strengthening policy and institutional framework for conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources: National programmes and networks as strategic tools, 1-10 October 2002, Zschortau, Germany: Proceedings of an international workshop]
Strengthening policy and institutional framework for conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources: National programmes and networks as strategic tools, 1-10 October 2002, Zschortau, Germany: Proceedings of an international workshop
The Convention on Biological Diversity, which provides incentives for countries to exercise sovereign rights over genetic resources in their territories, has led several countries to develop policies and strategies governing the conservation and use of genetic diversity, including conditions for ...
Barton, J.H.
Siebeck, W.E.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Material transfer agreements in genetic resources exchange: The case of the International Agricultural Research Centres]
Material transfer agreements in genetic resources exchange: The case of the International Agricultural Research Centres
Roots and tubers crops are present in the diet of almost all the world's people, the best known are potato and cassava, both of which are of South American origin but are now widely distributed. There are also several species of roots and tubers which originated from South America and which are s...
Libreros, D.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Bibliography on underutilized roots and tubers crops]
Bibliography on underutilized roots and tubers crops
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter: No. 124, December 2000]
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter: No. 124, December 2000
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 01, September 1989]
Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 01, September 1989
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 02, February 1990]
Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 02, February 1990
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 03, June 1990]
Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania: No. 03, June 1990
The variable fruits and roots of chayote is an important element in the diet in many parts of Latin America, and it is a valuable export crop. This monograph provides an overview of existing knowledge of the genus with emphasis on genetic resources. Chapters cover the following topics: taxonomy a...
Lira Saade, R.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Chayote, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.]
Chayote, Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.