It is hotly debated today whether the reduction of tropical deforestation should be supported by a mechanism within the Convention for Climate Change. This mechanism, known as “avoided deforestation,” would benefit developing countries that voluntarily reduce their deforestation rates, thereby ge...
Pirard, R.
Karsenty, A.
[Climate change mitigation: should “avoided deforestation” be rewarded?]
Climate change mitigation: should “avoided deforestation” be rewarded?
The likely impact of a number of economic instruments on changing current practices in the management and logging of humid tropical forests particularly in Congo Basin where there are large areas forested with high quality timber, is examined. Some potential instruments are discussed, such as a p...
Due to the need for forest certification, the criteria and indicators for sustainable management of tropical forests have tended to operate more and more as standards, with criteria holding pride of place as compared to indicators. In practice, they are used as the definition of sustainability ap...
Karsenty, A.
Lescuyer, G.
Nasi, Robert
[Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?]
Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?