Forests are ubiquitous in the Democratic Republic of Congo; they touch the cultural and economic life of most of the population and have enormous global environmental significance. After years of conflicts and mismanagement, reconstruction is key to improving living conditions and consolidating p...
Debroux, L.
Hart, T.
Kaimowitz, D.
Karsenty, A.
Topa, G.
[La foret en Republique Democratique du Congo post-conflict: analyse d'un agenda prioritaire]
La foret en Republique Democratique du Congo post-conflict: analyse d'un agenda prioritaire
Pénelon, A.
Mendouga, L.
Karsenty, A.
[L'idenfication des finages villageois en zone forestière au Cameroun: justification, analyse et guide méthodologique]
L'idenfication des finages villageois en zone forestière au Cameroun: justification, analyse et guide méthodologique
The likely impact of a number of economic instruments on changing current practices in the management and logging of humid tropical forests particularly in Congo Basin where there are large areas forested with high quality timber, is examined. Some potential instruments are discussed, such as a p...
De nombreux pays dans le monde sont engagés dans des processus de décentralisation et la plupart des États africains sont confrontés à de graves problèmes de gouvernance forestière, depuis la répartition des avantages à l’illégalité et à la gestion durable des forêts. Ce livre résume les expérien...
German, L.
Karsenty, A.
Tiani, A.M.
[Gouverner les forêts Africaines à l’ère de la mondialisation]
Gouverner les forêts Africaines à l’ère de la mondialisation
Many countries around the world are engaged in decentralization processes, and most African countries face serious problems with forest governance, from benefits sharing to illegality and sustainable forest management. This book summarizes experiences to date on the extent and nature of decentral...
Forests are ubiquitous in the Democratic Republic of Congo; they touch the cultural and economic life of most of the population and have enormous global environmental significance. After years of conflicts and mismanagement, reconstruction is key to improving living conditions and consolidating p...
Debroux, L.
Hart, T.
Kaimowitz, D.
Karsenty, A.
Topa, G.
[Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda]
Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda