Although coffee is a promising cash crop, smallholder farmers that grow coffee are still vulnerable. Soil fertility is declining, pest and disease pressure is increasing, populations are rising, and land is continuously fragmented. Above all, climate change is starting to take its toll and puts f...
Jassogne, Laurence T.P.
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Läderach, Peter
Craparo, S.
Wanyama, I.
Nibasumba A
Bielders, Charles L.
[Climate-smart perennial systems]
Climate-smart perennial systems
CSA and its principles: food security, mitigation, and adaptation, have been widely recognized as key elements for decision makers to include to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet implementing successful innovations on a wider scale across nations – and even geographies – remains a chall...
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Nine ways to make agriculture more climate-smart]
Nine ways to make agriculture more climate-smart
A robust, resilient, and enabling policy environment is critical to take agriculture innovations to scale at national or regional level.
Policy formulation processes that consider climate variability, socioeconomic and environmental shocks require participatory, inclusive, and explorative scenari...
Better soil health can increase agricultural productivity. Restoration activities can build on-farm resilience and contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Land and soil health surveys can improve crop modeling predictions under various climate scenarios and guide more targeted in...
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
[Invest in climate-smart soil and land health]
Invest in climate-smart soil and land health
The process of getting climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions and practices to farmers is just as important as the interventions and practices.
Given the complex systems in which CSA is implemented and the various CSA practices and technologies, there is no one-size-fits-all scaling path...
Mwongera, Caroline
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Target the pathways to scale out climate-smart agricultural technologies to farming communities]
Target the pathways to scale out climate-smart agricultural technologies to farming communities
Forage-based livestock production plays a key role in national and regional economies, for food security and poverty alleviation, but is considered a major contributor to agricultural GHG emissions. While demand for livestock products is predicted to increase, there is political and societal pres...
Peters, Michael
Herrero, Mario T.
Fisher, M.
Erb, Karlheinz
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Subbaraoa, Guntur V.
Castro, A.
Arango, Jacobo
Chara, J.
Murgueitio, E.
Hoek, Rein van der
Läderach, Peter
Hyman, Glenn
Tapasco, Jeimar
Strassburg, B.
Paul, Birthe K.
Rincón, A.
Schultze-Kraft, Rainer
Fonte, Steven J.
Searchinger, T.
[Challenges and opportunities for improving eco-efficiency of tropical forage-based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions]
Challenges and opportunities for improving eco-efficiency of tropical forage-based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Recognizing successful climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices is not enough for them to be adopted at scale.
At many sites, government or development-led interventions to promote CSA practices face low adoption rates or are not adopted at all.
Data shows that CSA adoption depends on drivers...
Läderach, Peter
Mwongera, Caroline
Lamanna, Christine
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Know what drives the adoption of climate-smart agriculture across different scales]
Know what drives the adoption of climate-smart agriculture across different scales
El café es básico en las exportaciones y producción agrícola de América Central, y El Salvador no es la excepción. Este constituye el segundo mayor producto de exportación en términos de valor, con ingresos anuales de US$113,4 millones en moneda extranjera. El sector cafetalero genera más de 40.0...
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Martinez-Valle, Armando
Siles, Pablo
Läderach, Peter
Lundy, Mark
Bunn, Christian
[Café sostenible adaptado al clima en El Salvador]
Café sostenible adaptado al clima en El Salvador
Research suggests that farmer-to-farmer learning can be up to six times more effective in spreading knowledge of CSA practices than in areas where it is not carried out.
Understanding the wider context and requirements for social learning is key.
Peer learning is an effective way to disseminate C...
Shikuku, K.M.
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Twyman, Jennifer
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Support farmer-to-farmer and community-wide social learning]
Support farmer-to-farmer and community-wide social learning
Research suggests that gender equity is a critical factor in the adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices.
If gender is not explicitly considered in climate-related interventions, the adoption of climate-resilient practices is unlikely to reach scale.
Climate-resilient interventio...
Twyman, Jennifer
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive]
Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive