Mulch and irrigation effects on plant-water relations and performance of cassava cv. TMS 3001 and sweet potato cvs. TIS 2148 and TIS 2295 were investigated at Ibadan, Nigeria. Straw mulch @ 6 t/ha was spread immediately after planting of crops in September 1980. Irrigation equal to pan evaporatio...
Ghuman, B.S.
Lal, R.
[Mulch and irrigation effects on plant-water relations and performance of cassava and sweet potato]
Mulch and irrigation effects on plant-water relations and performance of cassava and sweet potato
The effects of variable soil moisture regimes along a toposequence on root development, plant water status, and grain yield were investigated for ten rice varieties: (1) 63-83, (2) IB 43, (3) OS 6, (4) IB 6, (5) IR 1529-680-3, (6) C 22, (7) IRAT-13, (8) TOS 4680, (9) IET 1444 and (10) SE 302 G. T...
Mambani, B.
Lal, R.
[Response of upland rice varieties to drought stress: II. Screening rice varieties by means of variable moisture regimes along a toposequence]
Response of upland rice varieties to drought stress: II. Screening rice varieties by means of variable moisture regimes along a toposequence
A longterm experiment was conducted on Alfisols at Ibadan, Nigeria, to assess agricultural productivity and sustainability of different farming systems. The experiment, conducted for a 10 year period from 1979 to 1988, was implemented in two phases. The effects of methods of land clearing on crop...
Lal, R.
[Agronomic sustainability of different farming systems on Alfisols in Southwestern Nigeria]
Agronomic sustainability of different farming systems on Alfisols in Southwestern Nigeria
Lal, R.
Moomaw, J.C.
[Techniques for screening rice varieties for drought tolerance]
Techniques for screening rice varieties for drought tolerance
Harrison-Murray, R.
Lal, R.
[Response of crop plants to high soil temperature with particular reference to maize]
Response of crop plants to high soil temperature with particular reference to maize
Lal, R.
[Soil erosion problems on an alfisol in western Nigeria and their control: IITA monograph No. 1]
Soil erosion problems on an alfisol in western Nigeria and their control: IITA monograph No. 1
The effect of constant and fluctuating soil temperature and two soil moisture regimes on the growth, development, transpiration and nutrient uptake by maize seedlings was studied in a greenhouse investigation. The constant root temperatures were maintained at 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38°C for both...
Lal, R.
[Effects of constant and fluctuating soil temperature on growth, development and nutrient uptake of maize seedlings]
Effects of constant and fluctuating soil temperature on growth, development and nutrient uptake of maize seedlings
The grain yields in the no-tillage plots were equivalent to those of conventionally plowed treatments. No-tillage treatments had higher organic matter content and, by controlling soil erosion, the silt and clay content than the plowed plots. The water holding capacity and moisture release charact...
Lal, R.
[Notillage effects on soil properties and maize (Zea mays L. ) production in western Nigeria]
Notillage effects on soil properties and maize (Zea mays L. ) production in western Nigeria
Mulching of yam seed beds reduced soil temperature and improved emergence, time of emergence, yield per hill and the total yield of Dioscorea rotundata yams on a sandy soil in Western Nigeria. Comparison of mounds with ridged and flat seed beds showed that these different treatments had no signif...
L'utilisation de paillis dans les lits de plantation reduit la temperature du sol et favorise la levee, Ie temps d'emergence, Ie rendement par poquet et Ie rendement global des ignames Dioscorea rotundata lorsqu'elles sont cultivees en sol sablonneux a I'Quest du Nigeria. Lorsque la comparaison a...
El cubrimiento de almacigos de name redujo la temperatura del suelo y mejore la emergencia, el tiempo de emergencia rendimiento por cepa y rendimiento total de name, Dioscorea rotundata, en un suelo arenoso de Nigeria Occidental. La comparacion de camas con almacigos alomados 0 pianos demostr6 qu...
Hahn, S.K.
Lal, R.
[Effect of method of seed bed preparation, mulching and time of planting on yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in Western Nigeri. In C.L.A. Leakey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (p. 293-306)]
Effect of method of seed bed preparation, mulching and time of planting on yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in Western Nigeri. In C.L.A. Leakey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (p. 293-306)
Lal, R.
[Notill farming; soil and water conservation and management in the humid and subhumid tropics: IITA monograph series No. 2]
Notill farming; soil and water conservation and management in the humid and subhumid tropics: IITA monograph series No. 2