This article documents and analyzes the largest collection of transboundary water agreements related to Africa. Collection contents are categorized to provide insights into the evolution and geography of transboundary water law in Africa, and – when possible - to situate that law within a global ...
Lautze, Jonathan
Giordano, Mark
[Quantity and Qualities: The Development and Extent of Transboundary Water Law in Africa]
Quantity and Qualities: The Development and Extent of Transboundary Water Law in Africa
Secretariats are an increasingly common feature in Africa’s transboundary river basin organizations (RBOs). Non-secretariat-based forms of transboundary RBOs nonetheless also exist, and such forms of cooperation have often functioned effectively. These realities drive questions about the rational...
Saruchera, Davison
Lautze, Jonathan
[Transboundary river basin organizations in Africa: assessing the secretariat]
Transboundary river basin organizations in Africa: assessing the secretariat
Lautze, Jonathan
Giordano, Mark
[Demanding supply management and supplying demand management: Transboundary waters in sub-Saharan Africa]
Demanding supply management and supplying demand management: Transboundary waters in sub-Saharan Africa
Lautze, Jonathan
Giordano, Mark
[Demanding supply management and Supplying demand management: Transboundary waters in sub-Saharan Africa]
Demanding supply management and Supplying demand management: Transboundary waters in sub-Saharan Africa
The aim of the study was to identify entomological determinants of increased malaria transmission in the vicinity of the Koka reservoir in Central Ethiopia. Larval and adult mosquitoes were collected between August 2006 and December 2007 in villages close to (<1 km) and farther away from (>6 km) ...
Kibret, Solomon
Lautze, Jonathan
Boelee, Eline
McCartney, Matthew P.
[How does an Ethiopian dam increase malaria?: entomological determinants around the Koka Reservoir.]
How does an Ethiopian dam increase malaria?: entomological determinants around the Koka Reservoir.
The international chapter of the 2012 EPA Water Reuse Guidelines is currently under development. This chapter aims to identify tools and approaches used in the international context that can strengthen water reuse in the US. The main objective is to review international experiences in order to ga...
Silva, A. da
Drechsel, Pay
Keraita, Bernard N.
Lautze, Jonathan
Stander, E.
[Global experiences in water reuse: summary and recommendations for the USEPA 2012 water reuse guidelines]
Global experiences in water reuse: summary and recommendations for the USEPA 2012 water reuse guidelines
Equity has emerged as an important principle in transboundary water law in recent years, particularly in relation to water allocation. Yet basic questions remain unanswered. What constitutes an equitable transboundary water agreement? What constitutes an equitable allocation of shared waters? And...
Lautze, Jonathan
Giordano, Mark
[Equity in transboundary water law: Valuable paradigm or merely semantics?]
Equity in transboundary water law: Valuable paradigm or merely semantics?
Permanent international river basin organizations (IRBOs) come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from those which are mainly facilitative in nature to those empowered to act on their own. Although differences in IRBO types may have important impacts on transboundary water resources management, sy...
Lautze, Jonathan
Wegerich, Kai
Kazbekov, Jusipbek S.
Yakubov, Murat
[International river basin organizations: variation, options and insights.]
International river basin organizations: variation, options and insights.
While best practice in water management typically calls for the use of a basin-level approach, specific guidance in the absence of basin-level management is fairly scant. This paper reviews the experience of the Syr Darya basin to identify insights related to second best practices for water manag...
Wegerich, Kai
Kazbekov, Jusipbek S.
Lautze, Jonathan
Platonov, Alexander
Yakubov, Murat
[From monocentric ideal to polycentric pragmatism in the Syr Darya: searching for second best approaches.]
From monocentric ideal to polycentric pragmatism in the Syr Darya: searching for second best approaches.
Gerlak, A. K.
Lautze, Jonathan
Giordano, Mark
[Greater exchange, greater ambiguity: water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties]
Greater exchange, greater ambiguity: water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties