Describes some of the important methods of legume introduction into farming systems. Lists some of the legumes identified by ILCA as being of potential value. Summarises the promising genera, their environments of adaptation and their areas of usefulness.
Lazier, J.R.
[Legumes in forage research programmes for smallscale livestock producers]
Legumes in forage research programmes for smallscale livestock producers
A study conducted to determine the productivity of promising forage legumes in mixture with a commercial cultivation of a grass dominant pasture in Soddo area (Ethiopia)
Lazier, J.R.
[Forage legume productivity in a medium altitude acid soil area of Ethiopia]
Forage legume productivity in a medium altitude acid soil area of Ethiopia
Looks into ILCA's forage germplasm collection, characterization and initial evaluation and storage. Quantifies the genera, species and accessions of browse, grasses and legumes germplasm available in the ILCA genebank.
Hanson, Jean
Lazier, J.R.
[Forage germplasm at the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA): An essential resource for evaluation and selection]
Forage germplasm at the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA): An essential resource for evaluation and selection