As the problems of impact assessement are rather intractable, a fairly simple dual approach is proposed. First the major components of environmental impact of current agricultural production systems in Africa (i.e. impact of cropping, livestock keeping, fuelwood and timber extraction and burning)...
As the problems of impact assessement are rather intractable, a fairly simple dual approach is proposed. First the major components of environmental impact of current agricultural production systems in Africa (i.e. impact of cropping, livestock keeping, fuelwood and timber extraction and burning)...
Analyses the productivity of different livestock production systems in sub-Saharan Africa and compares the output with higher-input ranching systems in similar environments to indicate potential improvements in productivity in response to better feeding, management and health care. Gives emphasis...
Leeuw, P.N. de
[Interactive effects of environment, management and mortality on cattle productivity in livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa]
Interactive effects of environment, management and mortality on cattle productivity in livestock systems in sub-Saharan Africa