Anthropological work carried out by the PROFRIZA project in Cusco over 2 cropping seasons, between 1988-90, are reported. The status of bean cultivation in the region was assessed, as well as the experience acquired in seed production, small farmer management of farming activities, and the integr...
Maitre, A
[Nuevas tecnologias: Aceptabilidad y modificaciones por los agricultores en el Valle Sagrado]
Nuevas tecnologias: Aceptabilidad y modificaciones por los agricultores en el Valle Sagrado
The improvement strategy of climbing bean in Cusco should take into account the importance of maize as a crop. In a recent study in 2 maize-growing communities of Valle Sagrado, 75 and 88 percent of the farmers considered beans as the main crop; however, only 57 and 22 percent of the maize-growin...
Ortiz Arriola, V.
Maitre, A
[Estrategias de mejoramiento de frijol para un sistema asociado con maiz, en el Valle Sagrado, Cusco-Peru]
Estrategias de mejoramiento de frijol para un sistema asociado con maiz, en el Valle Sagrado, Cusco-Peru
Seed survey data gathered by the bean project for the Andean region during the 1989/90 cropping season are presented. Five aspects were considered: the farmer`s concept of seed, the farmer`s opinion on quality and availability, and the technical feasibility of production and distribution-commerci...
Maitre, A
[Informe de viaje a Cajamarca (9-14/10/89), incluyendo un analisis preliminar de algunos datos obtenidos en el sondeo sobre semilla]
Informe de viaje a Cajamarca (9-14/10/89), incluyendo un analisis preliminar de algunos datos obtenidos en el sondeo sobre semilla
Thirty bean lots, belonging to 28 farmers, were monitored in the municipalities of San Gil and Villanueva. Short interviews were conducted with the farmers to determine why they use certain types of furrows and their perception of erosion processes. Lots were divided into 3 groups: furrows down t...
Maitre, A
[Estudio sobre la orientacion de surcos en la siembra de frijol en los municipios de San Gil y Villanueva (Santander)]
Estudio sobre la orientacion de surcos en la siembra de frijol en los municipios de San Gil y Villanueva (Santander)