In the past decades, both upstream and downstream countries ofthe Blue Nile Basin (BNB) had developed and adopted several policies and strategies related to land and water management. Yet there are important policy and institutional gaps that irnpeded adoption of improved land and water managemen...
Haileslassie, Amare
Hagos, Fitsum
Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele
Peden, Donald G.
Ahmed, A.A.
Gebreselassie, S.
Tafesse, T.
Mapedza, Everisto
Mukherji, Aditi
[Institutions and policy in the Blue Nile Basin: understanding challenges and opportunities for improved land and water management.]
Institutions and policy in the Blue Nile Basin: understanding challenges and opportunities for improved land and water management.
Gender is central in understanding irrigation systems within the developing world. The different roles and responsibilities that society ascribes to both men, women, children and the different age groups will impact on their ability to participate and benefit from irrigation investments. Irrigati...
Mapedza, Everisto
[Gendered access and control of irrigation and its implications for meeting the MDGs in Zimbabwe AAG Conference, New York 24-28 February 2012]
Gendered access and control of irrigation and its implications for meeting the MDGs in Zimbabwe AAG Conference, New York 24-28 February 2012
Koppen, Barbara C.M. van
Tapela, B.
Mapedza, Everisto
[Gender, rights, and the politics of productivity: the case of the Flag Boshielo Irrigation Scheme, South Africa]
Gender, rights, and the politics of productivity: the case of the Flag Boshielo Irrigation Scheme, South Africa
In Zimbabwe, the state has been reconfiguring the water sector since 1998, as has been happening more generally within the wider Southern African region. Within the water sector, as in broader environmental governance, decentralization is increasingly being proposed as an important step towards i...
Mapedza, Everisto
Geheb, Kim
[Power dynamics and water reform in the Zimbabwean context: implications for the poor]
Power dynamics and water reform in the Zimbabwean context: implications for the poor
Mapedza, Everisto
McLeman, R.
[Drought risks in developing regions: challenges and opportunities]
Drought risks in developing regions: challenges and opportunities
Using the case of Mafungautsi Forest Reserve, this paper discusses continuities and changes in policy and practice at the communal and reserved forest interface in Zimbabwe. Colonial forestry policy in Zimbabwe has often been labelled as oppressive, as communal area citizens were not allowed to p...
Mapedza, Everisto
[Forestry policy in colonial and postcolonial Zimbabwe: Continuity and change]
Forestry policy in colonial and postcolonial Zimbabwe: Continuity and change
Amede, Tilahun
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Mapedza, Everisto
[Enhancing water productivity in crop-livestock systems of SSA: minimizing trade-offs and maximizing benefits]
Enhancing water productivity in crop-livestock systems of SSA: minimizing trade-offs and maximizing benefits
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Mapedza, Everisto
Amede, Tilahun
Ayalneh, W.
[Effects of integrated watershed management on water productivity in crop-livestock systems in water scarce areas of Ethiopia. [Abstract only].]
Effects of integrated watershed management on water productivity in crop-livestock systems in water scarce areas of Ethiopia. [Abstract only].