Brachiaria species are widely sown on the infertile and Al-toxic soils of neotropical savannas. Breeding programs seek to combine edaphic adaptation with other traits in interspecific hybrids. Edaphic adaptation is difficult to assess because it is only manifest in pasture persistence across seve...
Wenzl, Peter
Arango Vélez, Adriana
Chavez, Alba L.
Buitrago González, M.E.
Patino, GM
Miles, John W.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[A greenhouse method to screen brachiariagrass genotypes for aluminum resistance and root vigor]
A greenhouse method to screen brachiariagrass genotypes for aluminum resistance and root vigor
Plant-to-plant phenotypic variation has been observed within accessions of S. capitata maintained at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) since shortly following introduction. A small experiment was conducted to determine the potential importance of natural outcrossing as a cau...
Miles, John W.
Hare, M.D.
[Plant breeding and seed production of apomictic tropical forage grasses]
Plant breeding and seed production of apomictic tropical forage grasses
Prosapia simulans (Walker) es una especie de salivazo que ataca los pastos del género Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. desde México hasta Colombia y ocasiona pérdidas económicas a la industria ganadera. El desarrollo de cultivares resistentes es considerado el mejor método de control del salivazo. Este...
Castro, U.
Cardona Mejía, César
Vera Graziano, J
Miles, John W.
Garza García, Ramón
[Identificación morfológica y molecular de Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), y selección y mecanismos de resistencia este salivazo en híbridos de brachiaria = Morphological and molecular identification of Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and screening and mechanisms of resistance to this spittlebug in Brachiaria hybrids]
Identificación morfológica y molecular de Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), y selección y mecanismos de resistencia este salivazo en híbridos de brachiaria = Morphological and molecular identification of Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and screening and mechanisms of resistance to this spittlebug in Brachiaria hybrids
Apomixis—asexual reproduction through seed—provides a convenient means to faithfully propagate even heterozygous genotypes and hence exploit heterosis, in several naturally apomictic, warm-season forage grasses. Inheritance of apomixis has been shown to be monogenic dominant in at least four econ...
Hernández, Luis Miguel
Sotelo, Guillermo
Bonilla, Ximena P.
Álvarez, Elizabeth
Miles, John W.
Worthington, Margaret
[Phenotyping Brachiaria genotypes to assess Rhizoctonia resistance by comparing three inoculum types]
Phenotyping Brachiaria genotypes to assess Rhizoctonia resistance by comparing three inoculum types
Evaluation of natural Stylosanthes germplasm leading to the release of 8 commercial cultivars began in South America in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Perceived deficiencies in existing germplasm, including anthracnose susceptibility, led to the initiation of Stylosanthes breeding projects as ea...
Miles, John W.
Grof, B
[Recent advances in studies of anthracnose of Stylosanthes. III. Stylosanthes breeding approaches in South America]
Recent advances in studies of anthracnose of Stylosanthes. III. Stylosanthes breeding approaches in South America
Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are important pests of forage grasses in the genus Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. throughout the neotropics. Results of recurrent selection on resistance to spittlebugs in a synthetic brachiariagrass population are reported. The population was synthesized by recomb...
Miles, John W.
Cardona Mejía, César
Sotelo, Guillermo
[Recurrent selection in a synthetic brachiariagrass population improves resistance to three spittlebug species]
Recurrent selection in a synthetic brachiariagrass population improves resistance to three spittlebug species