A trial conducted to examine the effects of watering Boran cattle once daily, once every two days and once every three days on birth and weaning weights, post-weaning growth and cow performance under extensive grazing conditions.
Nicholson, M.J.
[The cost to productivity and the potential benefits of 2- and 3-day watering of Boran cattle]
The cost to productivity and the potential benefits of 2- and 3-day watering of Boran cattle
A trial conducted to examine the effects of watering Boran cattle once daily, once every two days and once every three days on birth and weaning weights, post-weaning growth and cow performance under extensive grazing conditions.
Nicholson, M.J.
[Effets d'un abreuvement espace (2 et 3 jours) sur la productivite de bovins Boran]
Effets d'un abreuvement espace (2 et 3 jours) sur la productivite de bovins Boran
Discusses the need for condition scoring and how to condition score. Presents a description of condition scores and shows how to use the data. Illustrates with diagram the distinctive anatomical parts of importance in condition scoring and presents photographs of cattle in good condition and emac...
Discusses the water needs of livestock in Africa and other hot regions, and the physiological utilization of water both within and between species, including water turnover, water loss, and water replacement. Suggests some ways of optimizing water use and using water as a management tool.
Describes generally the parameters of pastoralist milk production w. partic. ref. to cattle. Discusses briefly methods of determining milk yield and milk offtake and the effect of milk production on reproductive rate. Gives a brief description of lactation curve, lactation length, calf growth and...
Proposes a set of new research undertakings to be carried out in the Southern Rangelands of Ethiopia, namely, research to examine effect of watering frequency on production, response of Boran cattle to three day watering, phosphorus & calcium status of Boran cattle & their response to phosphorus ...
Nicholson, M.J.
[Animal production in the southern rangelands: New directions for research]
Animal production in the southern rangelands: New directions for research
Presents a general description of pastoralist milk production from cattle in Africa, analyzing data on milk yield & offtake, lactation and milk composition under pastoralist conditions; briefly examines the use of milk from camels and smallstock by pastoralsits to complement their milk supply fro...
Discusses water requirements & intake and renal physiology in cattle, esp. those kept by Borana pastoralists in Ethiopia, in relation to some of the issues raised by JEPSS Research Memorandum no. 1.
Nicholson, M.J.
Little, D.A.
[Epaisseur du bourrelet anal, pointage et eau tritiee interstitielle chez les bovins Boran]
Epaisseur du bourrelet anal, pointage et eau tritiee interstitielle chez les bovins Boran