The principal aspects that should be taken into account when constructing the min. infrastructure necessary for a natural cassava drying plant (installations, equipment, and tools) are summarized. The steps followed in the building of the drying floor, the chipping area, and the storage warehouse...
Ospina Patiño, Bernardo
[Aspectos practicos y de ingenieria en la construccion y operacion de plantas de secado natural de yuca]
Aspectos practicos y de ingenieria en la construccion y operacion de plantas de secado natural de yuca
The participation of CIAT in the agroindustrialization of dried cassava in Colombia is briefly indicated. Main area of influence has been on the Atlantic Coast, where an integrated approach to production, processing, and marketing has been employed. The project consists of 3 phases: (1) exptl. ph...
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, ClAT`s 12 year experience in developing the Integrated Cassava Research and Development Project (ICRDP) approach and methodology, is discussed in this paper. The origin, justification, methodology, results and lessons learned from this approach are pr...
Ospina Patiño, Bernardo
Poats, SV
Henry, Guy
[Integrated cassava research and development projects in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil : an overview of CIAT`s experiences]
Integrated cassava research and development projects in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil : an overview of CIAT`s experiences