In Brazil, the world`s largest bean producer, the annual production value is over US$ billion. Beans contribute more to total national protein consumption than any other product, especially among the poor, who get over 30 percent dietary protein from beans. Available technological options for imp...
Pachico, Douglas H.
Jones, Peter G.
Lynam, John K.
[An Ex-Ante analysis of the distribution of benefits from technical change among classes of consumers and producers: the case of beans in Brazil]
An Ex-Ante analysis of the distribution of benefits from technical change among classes of consumers and producers: the case of beans in Brazil
With the advent of biotechnology and the emergence of property rights in genetic materials, the economic value of genetic resources is an issue of growing importance. Since neither genetic resources nor their use is equally distributed, this paper develops a model to assess the distribution of be...
Pachico, Douglas H.
[The distribution of benefits from ownership rights in genetic resources: the case of beans]
The distribution of benefits from ownership rights in genetic resources: the case of beans
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Ex ante analysis of the impact of new technology: the case of cassava as an animal feed in Colombia]
Ex ante analysis of the impact of new technology: the case of cassava as an animal feed in Colombia
Schoonhoven, Aart van
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Rice and beans in Latin America: a summary report on the economic impact of improved varieties]
Rice and beans in Latin America: a summary report on the economic impact of improved varieties
The evolution of Colombia`s agricultural sector is analyzed for 1970-1997 regarding three issues: (1) analysis of the sector`s historical development, with special emphasis on the 90s; (2) estimate of production indexes, inputs, and multifactorial productivity; and (3) adjustment of econometric m...
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
López, G.
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Evolución de la productividad agropecuaria en Colombia 1970-1997]
Evolución de la productividad agropecuaria en Colombia 1970-1997
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
García C., J.A.
Seré Rabé, Carlos
Jarvis, Lovell S.
Sanint, Luis Roberto
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Economic surplus analysis model (MODEXC)]
Economic surplus analysis model (MODEXC)
The objectives of the diagnosis of bean production are to (1) contribute criteria for the design and completion of on-farm trials of the new bean technology and (2) to take information to research centers that helps define bean research priorities. A summary is presented of the methodology sugges...
Los objetivos del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol son 1) aportar criterios para diseno y ejecucion de ensayos de nueva tecnologia de frijol en fincas de agricultores y 2) llevar informacion a los centros de investigacion que ayude a definir prioridades de investigacion en frijol. Se presen...
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol]
Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol
Production trends and the demand for foods are taken as a useful framework to analyze cassava potential, production, marketing, and utilization in Latin. America. It is shown that to enhance the importance of cassava, it is not only necessary to improve production technology but to also carefully...
Se toman como marco de referencia las tendencias de produccion y demanda de alimentos, para analizar el potencial de la yuca, su produccion, mercadeo y utilizacion en America Latina. Se plantea que para incrementar la importancia del cultivo, no solo es necesario mejorar la tecnologia de producci...
Data on beans are presented and analyzed as to world production during 1982-84; contribution to world's production; importance in nutrition; yields (t/ha); production av. for 1962-64, 1972-74, and 1982-84; production increase in terms of yield and area planted during 1962-64 to 1972-74 and 1972-7...
Se presentan y analizan datos de produccion mundial de frijol para el periodo 1982-84; contribucion a la produccion mundial; importancia en la nutricion; rendimiento (t/ha); produccion prom. en los periodos 1962-64, 1972-74 y 1982-84; aumento de la produccion en terminos de rendimiento y area sem...
With the advent of biotechnology and the emergence of property rights in genetic materials, the distribution of benefits from genetic resources is an issue of growing importance. Farmer's Rights is a concept that has emerged to seek to insure appropriate compensation to farmers for their contribu...
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Implementing farmers' rights in genetic resources: Approaches to benefit sharing]
Implementing farmers' rights in genetic resources: Approaches to benefit sharing