Research into the origins of food plants has led to the recognition that specific geographical regions around the world have been of particular importance to the development of agricultural crops. Yet the relative contributions of these different regions in the context of current food systems hav...
Khoury, Colin K.
Achicanoy, Harold A.E.
Bjorkman, Anne D.
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Guarino, Luigi
Flores Palacios, Ximena
Engels, Johannes M.M.
Wiersema, John H.
Dempewolf, Hannes
Sotelo, S.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Castañeda-Álvarez, Nora P.
Fowler, Cary
Jarvis, Andy
Rieseberg, Loren H.
Struik, Paul C.
[Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide]
Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
Gourdji, Sharon
Mesa, Jeison
Moreno Cadena, Leidy Patricia
Navarro, Carlos
Obando, Diego
Fisher, Myles J.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
[Climate change vulnerability in the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean]
Climate change vulnerability in the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Berry, P.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Bramley, H.
Mgonja, MA
Mohanty, S
[Regional impacts of climate change on agriculture and the role of adaptation]
Regional impacts of climate change on agriculture and the role of adaptation
Khoury, Colin K.
Achicanoy, Harold A.E.
Bjorkman, Anne D.
Navarro-Racines, Carlos E.
Guarino, Luigi
Flores Palacios, Ximena
Engels, Johannes M.M.
Wiersema, John H.
Dempewolf, Hannes
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Castañeda-Álvarez, Nora P.
Fowler, Cary
Jarvis, Andy
Rieseberg, Loren H.
Struik, Paul C.
[Where our food crops come from: a new estimation of countries’ interdependence in plant genetic resources]
Where our food crops come from: a new estimation of countries’ interdependence in plant genetic resources
Coffee farming is an important source of income for an estimated 40,000 farming families in the Department of Nariño in southwestern Colombia. Nariño is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading origins of fine coffee, as measured by both the subjective preferences of leading specialty coff...
Sheridan, Michael
Montenegro, Andrés
Rodríguez Camayo, Fernando
Lundy, Mark
Eitzinger, Anton
González, Carolina
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
[Using scientific evidence to link private and public sectors in the planning process: observations from coffee sector engagement in Nariño, Colombia.]
Using scientific evidence to link private and public sectors in the planning process: observations from coffee sector engagement in Nariño, Colombia.
Rodríguez Camayo, Fernando
Lundy, Mark
Montenegro, Andrés
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
González, C.
Eitzinger, Anton
[Planificación en zonas de conflicto y posconflicto usando evidencia científica que articuló a los sectores público y privado]
Planificación en zonas de conflicto y posconflicto usando evidencia científica que articuló a los sectores público y privado
Läderach, Peter
Lundy, Mark
Jarvis, Andy
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Pérez Portilla, E.
Schepp, K
[Predicted impact of climate change on coffee-supply chains]
Predicted impact of climate change on coffee-supply chains
The mountain chain of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas in southern Mexico is globally significant for its biodiversity and is one of the most important coffee production areas of Mexico. It provides water for several municipalities and its biosphere reserves are important tourist attractions. Much of ...
Schroth, Götz
Läderach, Peter
Dempewolf, Jan
Philpott, Stacy M.
Haggar, Jeremy P.
Eakin, Hallie
Castillejos, Teresa
García Moreno, Jaime
Soto-Pinto, Lorena
Hernández, Ricardo
Eitzinger, Anton
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
[Towards a climate change adaptation strategy for coffee communities and ecosystems in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico]
Towards a climate change adaptation strategy for coffee communities and ecosystems in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico
El arroz en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) es un cultivo de gran importancia social y económica. El consumo de arroz en LAC ha aumentado significativamente durante los últimos años, registrando un promedio actual de 30 kg persona-1 año-1. La particularidad del arroz producido en LAC está en una ...
Rebolledo, María Camila
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Graterol-Matute, Eduardo
Hernández Varela, Camila Andrea
Rodríguez Espinoza, Jeferson
Petro Páez, Eliel Enrique
Pinzón, Sebastián
Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan
Rodríguez Balde, Joysee Mariela
Berg, Maurits van den
[Modelación de arroz en Latinoamérica: Estado del arte y base de datos para parametrización]
Modelación de arroz en Latinoamérica: Estado del arte y base de datos para parametrización
The datasets presented here are related to the research article entitled “Comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants: an operational indicator for biodiversity and sustainable development targets” (Khoury et al., 2019). The indicator methodology includes five main steps, each requiri...
Khoury, Colin K.
Amariles, Daniel
Soto, Jonatan Stivens
Díaz, Maria Victoria
Sotelo, Steven
Sosa, Chrystian C.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Achicanoy, Harold A.E.
Castañeda-Álvarez, Nora P.
León, Blanca
Wiersema, John H.
[Data for the calculation of an indicator of the comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants]
Data for the calculation of an indicator of the comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants