We investigated the spatiotemporal variability of drought incidence in Pakistan during 1960–2007 by calculating Standardized Precipitation Index fields for 3-, 6- and 12-month scales using gridded precipitation data. Principal component analysis revealed that droughts are wide-spread and often oc...
Xie H
Ringler, Claudia
Zhu, T.
Waqas A
[Droughts in Pakistan: A spatiotemporal variability analysis using the standardized precipitation index]
Droughts in Pakistan: A spatiotemporal variability analysis using the standardized precipitation index
Climate change is expected to considerably affect the water resources in the Indus River basin in Pakistan and thus agricultural production in the country. This article reports an analysis of the impacts of various climate scenarios on both water resources and food production out to 2050. While c...
Zhu, T.
Ringler, Claudia
Iqbal MM
Sulser TB
Goheer MA
[Climate change impacts and adaptation options for water and food in Pakistan: scenario analysis using an integrated global water and food projections model]
Climate change impacts and adaptation options for water and food in Pakistan: scenario analysis using an integrated global water and food projections model
The agriculture sector has great potential to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through changes in agricultural management and land use. However, the technical potential for agricultural mitigation has yet to translate into actual emission reductions due to considerable con...
Bryan, Elisabeth
Pinto, Alex de
Ringler, Claudia
Asuming-Brempong S
Bendaoud M
Artur L
Givá N
Asenso-Okyere, K.
Sarpong DB
El-Harizi K
Rheenen, T. van
Ferguson J
Mai NN
Anh DT
[Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries]
Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries
The first decade of the 21st century has brought harbingers of a troubled future for global food security. The food-price spike of 2008 led to food riots and political change in several countries. In 2010, the excessive heat and drought in Russia that led to wildfires and a grain embargo, as well...
Nelson, Gerald C.
Rosegrant, Mark W.
Palazzo, Amanda
Gray I
Ingersoll C
Robertson, Richard D.
Tokgoz S
Zhu, T.
Sulser TB
Ringler, Claudia
Msangi S
You, Liangzhi
[Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: challenges to 2050 and beyond]
Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: challenges to 2050 and beyond