Analyses the effects of government price policies on the production and consumption of milk in Zimbabwe. Gives an overview of the Dairy Marketing Board which is responsible for the collection and distribution of commercial milk products at prices set by the government. Discusses the implications ...
Illustrates the role of supply price elasticities in policy making and analysis, and discusses the experience with respect to the sensitiveness of beef supply price elasticities estimated for commercial farms in Zimbabwe and the corresponding policy implications
Rodríguez, G.
[Beef supply price response estimation and implications for policy analysis: The Zimbabwe case]
Beef supply price response estimation and implications for policy analysis: The Zimbabwe case
Analyzes the price structure confronting beef producers and consumers in Zimbabwe as a result of government interventions, and estimates the quantitative response of consumers & producers to changes in beef prices by describing the production structure of the beef sector, trends in beef consumpti...
Analyses the effects of government price policies on the production and consumption of milk in Zimbabwe. Gives an overview of the Dairy Marketing Board which is responsible for the collection and distribution of commercial milk products at prices set by the government. Discusses the implications ...