The fire severity of the 2013–2014 fire season within Sudanian ecosystems in Burkina Faso was evaluated from Landsat 8 images using derivatives of the Normalized Burn Ratio algorithm (NBR). The relationship between the image-derived severity and the field observed severity i.e. Composite Burn Ind...
Musyimi, Z.
Said, Mohammed Yahya
Zida, D.
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Udelhoven, T.
Savadogo, P.
Leeuw, Jan de
Aynekulu, Ermias
[Evaluating fire severity in Sudanian ecosystems of Burkina Faso using Landsat 8 satellite images]
Evaluating fire severity in Sudanian ecosystems of Burkina Faso using Landsat 8 satellite images
La NAMA Ganadería de Costa Rica tiene como
objetivo realizar un cambio en la forma de
producción del sector ganadero costarricense
con miras a una ganadería eco-competitiva.
Las alianzas público-privadas-académicas
evalúan y co-desarrollan los elementos técnicos
e institucionales necesarios par...
Chacón, Mauricio
Segura, Jorge
Jenkins, Agripina
Fallas, Marco
Villanueva, Diego Obando Cristóbal
Chacón-Cascante, Adriana
Abarca, Sergio
Ordoñez, Jenny C.
Farnworth, Cathy R.
Arango, Jacobo
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[Próximos pasos del NAMA Ganadería en Costa Rica: Síntesis de las consultas con actores y evaluación rápida de su estado actual]
Próximos pasos del NAMA Ganadería en Costa Rica: Síntesis de las consultas con actores y evaluación rápida de su estado actual
Klapwijk, C.J.
Wijk, Mark T. van
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Thornton, Philip K.
Giller, Ken E.
[Analysis of tradeoffs in agricultural systems: current status and way forward]
Analysis of tradeoffs in agricultural systems: current status and way forward
Small-scale spatial variability in soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes poses serious challenges to the experimental design, and number of gas samples needed to provide a reliable estimate of flux usually exceeds analytical capacities. We pooled gas samples –analogously to soi...
Arias-Navarro, Cristina
Díaz Pinés, Eugenio
Kiese, Ralf
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Rufino, Mariana C.
Stern, D.
Neufeldt, Henry
Verchot, Louis V.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
[Gas pooling: a sampling technique to overcome spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide fluxes]
Gas pooling: a sampling technique to overcome spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide fluxes
Globally, agriculture is directly responsible for 14% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and induces an additional 17% through land use change, mostly in developing countries (Vermeulen et al 2012). Agricultural intensification and expansion in these regions is expected to catalyze the most...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Rufino, Mariana C.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Towards a protocol for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and evaluating mitigation options in smallholder farming systems]
Towards a protocol for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and evaluating mitigation options in smallholder farming systems
Legume tree-based farming systems sit at a crucial nexus of agroecological sustainability. Their capacity to support microbial N2 fixation can increase soil nitrogen (N) availability and therefore improve soil fertility, crop yields, and support long-term stewardship of natural resources. However...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Tully, Katherine L.
Arias-Navarro, Cristina
Neufeldt, Henry
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Verchot, Louis V.
[Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: Sustainable development's friend or foe?]
Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: Sustainable development's friend or foe?
Demand for tools to rapidly assess greenhouse gas impacts from policy and technological change in the agricultural sector has catalyzed the development of ‘GHG calculators’— simple accounting approaches that use a mix of emission factors and empirical models to calculate GHG emissions with minima...
Richards, Meryl
Metzel, Ruth
Chirinda, Ngonidzashe
Ly, Proyuth
Nyamadzawo, George
Vu, Quynh Duong
de Neergaard, Andreas
Oelofse, Myles
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Keller, Emma
Malin, Daniella
Olesen, Jorgen E.
Hillier, Jonathan
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N2O and CH4 fluxes in tropical agriculture]
Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N2O and CH4 fluxes in tropical agriculture
Climate variability is a major source of risk to smallholder farmers and pastoralists, particularly in dryland regions. A growing body of evidence links climate-related risk to the extent and the persistence of rural poverty in these environments. Stochastic shocks erode smallholder farmers' long...
Hansen, James
Hellin, Jon
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Fisher, Eleanor
Cairns, Jill E.
Stirling, Clare M.
Lamanna, Christine
Etten, Jacob van
Rose, Alison
Campbell, Bruce M.
[Climate risk management and rural poverty reduction]
Climate risk management and rural poverty reduction
Landscape scale quantification enables farmers to pool resources and expertise. However, the problem remains of how to quantify these gains. This article considers current greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification methods that can be used in a landscape scale analysis in terms of relevance to areas dom...
Milne, E
Neufeldt, Henry
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Smalligan, M
Cerri, Carlos Eduardo
Malin, Daniella
Easter, M.
Bernoux, Martial
Ogle, Stephen M.
Casarim, F
Pearson, T
Bird, D.N.
Steglish, E
Ostwald, M
Denef, K
Paustian, Keith
[Methods for the quantification of GHG emissions at the landscape level for developing countries in smallholder contexts]
Methods for the quantification of GHG emissions at the landscape level for developing countries in smallholder contexts
Human activities and their relation with land, through agriculture and forestry, are significantly impacting Earth system functioning. Specifically, agriculture has increasingly become a key sector for adaptation and mitigation initiatives that address climate change and help ensure food security...
Loboguerrero Rodriguez, Ana María
Campbell, Bruce M.
Cooper, Peter J.M.
Hansen, James
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Food and Earth Systems: Priorities for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Agriculture and Food Systems]
Food and Earth Systems: Priorities for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Agriculture and Food Systems