Earthworm and termite diversity were studied in 12 long-term agricultural field trials across the sub-humid to semi-arid tropical zones of Eastern and Western Africa. In each trial, treatments with high and low soil organic C were chosen to represent contrasts in long-term soil management effects...
Ayuke, Fredrick O.
Pulleman, M
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Goede, Ron G.M. de
Six, Johan
Csuzdi, C.
Brussaard, Lijbert
[Agricultural management affects earthworm and termite diversity across humid to semi-arid tropical zones]
Agricultural management affects earthworm and termite diversity across humid to semi-arid tropical zones
Epper, Carole A.
Paul, Birthe K.
Burra, Dharani Dhar
Phengsavanh, Phonepaseuth
Ritzema, Randall S.
Syfongxay, Saysompheng
Groot, Jeroen C.J.
Six, Johan
Frossard, Emmanuel
Oberson, Astrid
Douxchamps, Sabine
[Nutrient flows and intensification options for smallholder farmers of the Lao uplands]
Nutrient flows and intensification options for smallholder farmers of the Lao uplands
Paul, Birthe K.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Ayuke, Fredrick O.
Gassner, Anja
Hoogmoed, Marianne
Hurisso, T.T.
Koala, Saidou
Lelei, D.
Ndabamenye, T.
Six, Johan
Pulleman, M.M.
[Medium-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil aggregate stability, soil carbon and crop productivity]
Medium-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil aggregate stability, soil carbon and crop productivity
Fonte, Steven J.
Six, Johan
[Earthworms and litter management contributions to ecosystem services in a tropical agroforestry system]
Earthworms and litter management contributions to ecosystem services in a tropical agroforestry system
Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is a tuber crop grown for food security, income generation, and traditional medicine. This crop has a high cultural value for some of the groups growing it. Most of the production comes from West Africa where the increased demand has been covered by enlarging cultivated surfa...
Frossard, Emmanuel
Aighewi, B.A.
Aké, S.
Barjolle, D.
Baumann, P.
Bernet, T.
Daouda, D.
Diby, L.
Floquet, A.
Hgaza, V.K.
Ilboudo, L.J.
Kiba, Delwendé I.
Mongbo, R.L.
Nacro, H.B.
Nicolay, G.L.
Oka, E.
Ouattara, F.Y.
Pouya, N.
Six, Johan
Traoré, I.O.
[The challenge of improving soil fertility in yam cropping systems of West Africa]
The challenge of improving soil fertility in yam cropping systems of West Africa
Paul, Birthe K.
Pulleman, Mirjam
Ayuke, Fredrick O.
Six, Johan
Vanlauwe, Bernard
[Response to G.W. Sileshi’s Letter to the Editor on AGEE13857 (2015): Exclusion of soil macrofauna did not affect soil quality – statistical artefact or true lack of effect?]
Response to G.W. Sileshi’s Letter to the Editor on AGEE13857 (2015): Exclusion of soil macrofauna did not affect soil quality – statistical artefact or true lack of effect?
Traditionally, crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) depends primarily on mining soil nutrients. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) is an approach for intensifying agriculture in SSA that aims at maximizing the agronomic efficiency (AE) of applied nutrient inputs. ISFM contains the...
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Kihara, Job
Chivenge, P.P.
Pypers, Pieter
Coe, R.
Six, Johan
[Agronomic use efficiency of N fertilizer in maize-based systems in sub-Saharan Africa within the context of integrated soil fertility management]
Agronomic use efficiency of N fertilizer in maize-based systems in sub-Saharan Africa within the context of integrated soil fertility management
Aggregation and stabilization of soil organic C (SOC) and N are highly dependent on soil texture and addition of organic resources (ORs). While OR quality may influence SOC and N stabilization within aggregates, the simultaneous addition of N-fertilizers may enhance OR decomposition resulting in ...
Chivenge, P.P.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Gentile, R
Six, Johan
[Comparison of organic versus mineral resource effects on short-term aggregate carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a sandy soil versus a fine textured soil]
Comparison of organic versus mineral resource effects on short-term aggregate carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a sandy soil versus a fine textured soil
Fonte, Steven J.
Barrios, E.
Six, Johan
[Earthworm impacts on soil organic matter and fertilizer dynamics in tropical hillside agroecosystems of Honduras]
Earthworm impacts on soil organic matter and fertilizer dynamics in tropical hillside agroecosystems of Honduras
The combined application of organic resources (ORs) and mineral fertilizers is increasingly gaining recognition as a viable approach to address soil fertility decline in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We conducted a meta-analysis to provide a comprehensive and quantitative synthesis of conditions unde...
Chivenge, P.P.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Six, Johan
[Does the combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence maize productivity? a meta analysis]
Does the combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence maize productivity? a meta analysis