In the farming systems approach to technology development, trials are carried out on a limited number of farmers’ fields. Results of these trials are extrapolated to the entire target area and used either to identify directions for further research or to develop recommendations for farmers. Extra...
Smith, J.
Walker, P.
Oyewole, B.
[Representativeness of farmers and sites in onfarm trials]
Representativeness of farmers and sites in onfarm trials
A meeting was held of social scientists from the International Agriculture Research Centers (IARCs) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), at the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) in the Hague, Netherlands, in August 1992. The meet...
Smith, J.
[New challenge confronting social scientists in IARCs with ecoregional mandates]
New challenge confronting social scientists in IARCs with ecoregional mandates
Smith, J.
[Socioeconomic characterization of environments and technologies in humid and subhumid regions of West and Central Africa: RCMP research monograph, No. 10]
Socioeconomic characterization of environments and technologies in humid and subhumid regions of West and Central Africa: RCMP research monograph, No. 10
Uganda’s National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS), established in 2001, is a demand-driven extension program for developing farmer organizations and improving farmer production and welfare. The program is expected to be 50% client funded after 25 years. However, varying returns to extensio...
James, P.A.
Smart, J.C.
Smith, J.
Bulling, M.T.
Beed, Fen D.
Luwandagga, D.
[The effect of participation in the Ugandan National Agricultural Advisory Services on willingness to pay for extension services]
The effect of participation in the Ugandan National Agricultural Advisory Services on willingness to pay for extension services
Smith, J.
Barau, A.D.
Goldman, A.
Mareck, J.H.
[The role of technology in agricultural intensification: the evolution of maize production in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria]
The role of technology in agricultural intensification: the evolution of maize production in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
While slash-and burn farmers convert forest to agriculture, they also regenerate significant areas of secondary fallow forests on their farms. Under what conditions does secondary forest cover persist on slash-and-burn farms?. Survey data from Para, Brazil show that secondary forests accupy 20% o...
Smith, J.
Ferreira, S.
Kop, P. van de
Ferreira, C.A.P.
Sabogal, C.
[The persistence of secondary forests on colonist farms in the Brazilian Amazon]
The persistence of secondary forests on colonist farms in the Brazilian Amazon
The regeneration of secondary forests (SF) on previously cleared land in the Amazon is a promising development within the generally pessimistic scenario about tropical deforestation. This has stimulated efforts to augment the value of SF to farmers to induce them to increase the area in SF. The o...
Smith, J.
Kop, P. van de
Reategui, K.
Lombardi, I.
Sabogal, C.
Díaz, A.
[Dynamics of secondary forests in slash-and-burn farming: interactions among land use types in the Peruvian Amazon]
Dynamics of secondary forests in slash-and-burn farming: interactions among land use types in the Peruvian Amazon
Socioeconomic characterization provides information for setting research priorities, extrapolating research results, and targeting existing technologies to appropriate areas. Farmers adopt technologies which economize scarce, and hence, expensive resources, and make use of abundant, cheap resourc...