Siles, P.
Bustamante, O.
Valdivia, E.
Burkhardt, J.
Staver, Charles
[Photosynthetic performance of banana (''Gros Michel'', AAA) under a natural shade gradient]
Photosynthetic performance of banana (''Gros Michel'', AAA) under a natural shade gradient
In 2014, the Third International Conference on the resilience of social-ecological systems chose the theme “resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation.” The conference aimed specifically at fostering an encounter between the experiences and thinking focused on the issue of resilien...
Staver, Charles
Bustamante, O.
Siles, P.
Aguilar, C.
Quinde, K.
Castellon, J.
Somarriba, F.
Tapia, A.
Brenes, S.
Deras, M.
Matute, N.
[Intercropping bananas with coffee and trees: prototyping agroecological intensification by farmers and scientists]
Intercropping bananas with coffee and trees: prototyping agroecological intensification by farmers and scientists
Staver, Charles
Jong, W. de
Kaimowitz, D.
[Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve]
Nicaragua's frontier: the Bosawas biosphere reserve
Emshwiller, E.
Calberto-Sanchez, G.
Girma, G.
Jansky, S.
Sardos, J.
Staver, Charles
Stoddard, F.L.
Roux, N.
[Unavailability of wild relatives]
Unavailability of wild relatives
This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ]
Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ
Dita, M.A.
Garming, H.
Bergh, I. van den
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[Banana in Latin America and the Caribbean: current state, challenges and perspectives]
Banana in Latin America and the Caribbean: current state, challenges and perspectives
Karamura, E.B.
Jogo, Wellington
Rietveld, A.M.
Ochola, D.
Staver, Charles
Tinzaara, W.
Karamura, D.A.
Kubiriba, J.
Weise, S.F.
[Effectiveness of agro-ecological intensification practices in managing pests in smallholder banana systems in East and Central Africa]
Effectiveness of agro-ecological intensification practices in managing pests in smallholder banana systems in East and Central Africa
Wuensche, J.N.
Albrigo, L.G.
Gubbuk, H.
Reinhardt, D.H.
Staver, Charles
Bergh, I. van den
[XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Citrus, Bananas and other Tropical Fruits under Subtropical Conditions. Lisborn (Portugal), Aug 22-27 2010]
XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Citrus, Bananas and other Tropical Fruits under Subtropical Conditions. Lisborn (Portugal), Aug 22-27 2010
Scores of assessments of the impacts of agricultural research have been carried out over the years. However, few appear to have been used to improve decision making and the effectiveness of research programmes. The Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative emerged within the Consultativ...
Watts, J.
Horton, D.
Douthwaite, Boru
La Rovere, R
Thiele, Graham
Prasad, S
Staver, Charles
[Transforming impact assessment : Beginning the quiet revolution of institutional learning and change]
Transforming impact assessment : Beginning the quiet revolution of institutional learning and change