Using a 9-country dataset from sub-Saharan Africa, and integrating quantitative household-level analyses with qualitative work, the paper shows that gender relations affect agricultural practices and adaptation. The women farmers in our sample control less land than men, the land they control is ...
Pérez, Carlos
Jones, E.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Cramer, Laura
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
Barahona, C.
[How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?]
How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?
This report presents 4 scenarios for the future of food security, agriculture, livelihoods and environments in East Africa. These scenarios were developed by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in collaboration with a wide range of regional stakeholders. Th...
Vervoort, Joost M.
Palazzo, Amanda
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Ericksen, Polly J.
Thornton, Philip K.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Förch, Wiebke
Herrero, Mario T.
Havlík, Petr
Jost, Christine
Rowlands, H.
[The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Eastern Africa: four socio-economic scenarios]
The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Eastern Africa: four socio-economic scenarios
The purpose of this working paper is to provide insight into how we can use novel approaches to scale up research findings on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) to meaningfully address the challenges of poverty and climate change. The approaches described include those based on value chains and priv...
Westermann, Olaf
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
[Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture]
Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture
Livestock systems globally are changing rapidly in response to human population growth, urbanization, and growing incomes. This paper discusses the linkages between burgeoning demand for livestock products, growth in livestock production, and the impacts this may have on natural resources, and ho...
Thornton, Philip K.
Herrero, Mario T.
[The inter-linkages between rapid growth in livestock production, climate change, and the impacts on water resources, land use, and deforestation]
The inter-linkages between rapid growth in livestock production, climate change, and the impacts on water resources, land use, and deforestation
The document attempts to distil what is currently known about the likely impacts of climate change on the commodities and natural resources that comprise the mandate of CGIAR and its 15 Centres. It was designed as one background document for a review carried out by the High Level Panel of Experts...
Thornton, Philip K.
[Impacts of climate change on the agricultural and aquatic systems and natural resources within the CGIAR’s mandate]
Impacts of climate change on the agricultural and aquatic systems and natural resources within the CGIAR’s mandate
There are real needs and opportunities for well-targeted research and development to improve the livelihoods of farmers while at the same time addressing natural resource constraints. The suitability and adoption of interventions depends on a variety of bio-physical and socio- economic factors. W...
Herrero, Mario T.
Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
Thornton, Philip K.
Pfeifer, Catherine
Silvestri, Silvia
Omolo, Abisalom
Quirós, Carlos
[A framework for targeting and scaling-out interventions in agricultural systems]
A framework for targeting and scaling-out interventions in agricultural systems