Sub-adult individuals of Aporrectodea caliginosa were incubated for 16 weeks under laboratory cultures in a soil treated with 0%, 10% or 50% of a Populus nigra half-decomposed leaves, respectively. Growth was maximum in the 50% organic matter treatment and cocoon production occurred. Average soil...
Zhang, C
Langlest, R
Velásquez, E.
Pando, A
Brunet, D.
Dai, J.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
[Cast production and NIR spectra signatures of Aporrectodea caliginosa fed soil with different amounts of half-decomposed Populus nigra litter]
Cast production and NIR spectra signatures of Aporrectodea caliginosa fed soil with different amounts of half-decomposed Populus nigra litter
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Veiga, I
Ramírez, B.L.
Sartre, X.A. de
Gond, Valéry
Decaëns, Thibaud
Grimaldi, Michael
Hubert, B.
Dodelec, S
Tourrand, Jean François
Miranda, I
Martins, M
Velásquez, E.
Feijoo Martínez, Alexander
Assis, W
Rocha, C
Souza, S.L. de
Hurtado, MP
[AMAZ: Identifying socio economic levers for a sustainable provision of ecosystem services in deforested amazonian landscapes]
AMAZ: Identifying socio economic levers for a sustainable provision of ecosystem services in deforested amazonian landscapes
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Velásquez, E.
Dubs, Florence
Gond, Valéry
Celini, L
Rouland, C
Harry, M
[Macrofaunal diversity and soil biogenic macroaggregation in deforested landscapes of French Guiana]
Macrofaunal diversity and soil biogenic macroaggregation in deforested landscapes of French Guiana
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso do solo sobre a densidade e a diversidade da macrofauna invertebrada, bem como a relação dessa com atributos químicos do solo em diferentes agroecossistemas. Foram estudados cinco agroecossistemas: sistema ecológico com três anos de adoção (SE...
Lima, S.S. de
Aquino, A.M. de
Leite, LFC
Velásquez, E.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
[Relação entre macrofauna edáfica e atributos químicos do solo em diferentes agroecossistemas]
Relação entre macrofauna edáfica e atributos químicos do solo em diferentes agroecossistemas
Marichal, Raphaël
Martínez, A.F.
Praxedes, C
Ruiz, D
Carvajal, A.F.
Oszwald, Johan
Hurtado, MP
Brown, George G.
Grimaldi, Michael
Desjardins, Thierry
Sarrazin, M
Decaëns, Thibaud
Velásquez, E.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
[Invasion of Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae, Oligochaeta) in landscapes of the Amazonian deforestation arc]
Invasion of Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae, Oligochaeta) in landscapes of the Amazonian deforestation arc
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis was used to discriminate soils of different agroecosystems in Colombia, with different contents and qualities of organic matter, chemical, and biological properties.
Correlations were sought between absorbance in wavelength classes as determ...
Velásquez, E.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Barrios, E.
Joffre, R
Reversat, F
[Evaluating soil quality in tropical agroecosystems of Colombia using NIRS]
Evaluating soil quality in tropical agroecosystems of Colombia using NIRS
Chaguezá, Y
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Asakawa, N.
Velásquez, E.
[Alternativas biológicas al uso de pesticidas en cultivos de plátano del departamento del Quindío. I. Estado inicial de las poblaciones de nemátodos y agentes de biocontrol]
Alternativas biológicas al uso de pesticidas en cultivos de plátano del departamento del Quindío. I. Estado inicial de las poblaciones de nemátodos y agentes de biocontrol
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Veiga, I
Ramírez, B.L.
Sartre, X.A. de
Gond, Valéry
Decaëns, Thibaud
Grimaldi, Michael
Hubert, B.
Dodelec, S
Tourrand, Jean François
Miranda, I
Martins, M
Velásquez, E.
Feijoo Martínez, Alexander
Assis, W
Rocha, C
Souza, S.L. de
Hurtado, MP
[Creating ecoefficient landscapes in deforested Amazonia: lessons from the AMAZ project]
Creating ecoefficient landscapes in deforested Amazonia: lessons from the AMAZ project
Chaguezá, Y
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Asakawa, N.
Velásquez, E.
[Efecto de biocontroles en población de fitonemátodos en el cultivo de plátano]
Efecto de biocontroles en población de fitonemátodos en el cultivo de plátano