This study determines whether the establishment of tropical protected areas (PAs) has led to a reduction in deforestation within their boundaries or whether deforestation has been displaced to adjacent unprotected areas: a process termed neighbourhood leakage. We processed and analysed 98 corres...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Epting, J.
Lyne, O.
Linkie, M.
Kumara, I.
Kanninen, M.
Leader-Williams, N.
[Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra]
Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra
This paper examines the interactions between state-led land reform, agrarian structures, and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Land reform tends to promote land redistribution through regularization of smallholder land invasions of large-scale landholdings, and by redistribution of public la...
Pacheco, P.
[Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation]
Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation
Las respuestas más importantes al cambio climático se enfocan en la mitigación (reducción de la acumulación de gases causantes del efecto invernadero) en vez de centrarse en la adaptación (reducción de la vulnerabilidad de la sociedad y los ecosistemas). No obstante, puesto que actualmente se rec...
Locatelli, Bruno
Kanninen, M.
Brockhaus, M.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Santoso, H.
[Ante un futuro incierto: Cómo se pueden adaptar los bosques y las comunidades al cambio climático]
Ante un futuro incierto: Cómo se pueden adaptar los bosques y las comunidades al cambio climático
Until the end of the nineteenth century primary forests covered nearly all the island of Sumatra. The first valorisation of this natural resource was hunting and gathering activities, followed by and later associated with swidden cultivation of upland rice. The industrial revolution in Europe and...
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system]
Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system
REDD+ projects require an impact assessment approach to estimate emissions and removals; for REDD+ to succeed we need information on this and the associated 3E+ outcomes. There are few examples of rigorous impact assessment in the conservation, avoided deforestation and payments for environmental...
Jagger, P.
Atmadja, S.
Pattanayak, S.K.
Sills, E.
Sunderlin, William D.
[Learning while doing: Evaluating impacts of REDD+ projects]
Learning while doing: Evaluating impacts of REDD+ projects
Rural–urban migration can have both positive and negative environmental consequences for tropical forests. Rural residents exert pressure on the environment through farming, fishing, and forest extraction, yet conversely, protecting rural livelihoods is often the motivation for conserving large a...
Parry, L.
Day, B.
Amaral, S.
Peres, C.A.
[Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters]
Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters
Rights to large areas of forest have been granted to communities and indigenous peoples in Latin America, offering these groups an opportunity to participate in REDD+ initiatives. However, tenure is not always secure, and security of tenure alone is insufficient to guarantee positive outcomes for...
Larson, A.M.
Corbera, E.
Cronkleton, P.
Dam, C. van
Bray, D.B.
Estrada, M.
May, P.
Medina, G.
Navarro, G.
Pacheco, P.
[Rights to forests and carbon under REDD+ initiatives in Latin America]
Rights to forests and carbon under REDD+ initiatives in Latin America
Since the influential Stern Review on the economics of climate change (Stern 2006), many have seen avoiding deforestation of tropical forests as arguably the fastest way and cheaper to mitigate climate change. The idea is that the richest countries - which were the largest emitters of greenhouse ...
Since 2000, US$ 2.0-2.7 billion has been invested in feedstock cultivation for biofuel in 16 forest-rich countries, mostly in oil palm and sugarcane. An additional US$ 5.7-6.7 billion has been invested in biofuel production, especially sugar-based ethanol. While investments in some countries are ...
Gelder, J.W. van
German, L.
[Biofuel finance: global trends in biofuel finance in forest-rich countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and implications for governance]
Biofuel finance: global trends in biofuel finance in forest-rich countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and implications for governance