In June 2018, the NAMA Facility approved the EUR 14,900,000 funding for a pioneering NAMA Support Project on rice in Thailand. This 5-year project is expected to generate at least EUR 21.5 million more of private sector investments.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[EUR 15 million invested for mitigation action in Thailand's rice sector]
EUR 15 million invested for mitigation action in Thailand's rice sector
Root Capital introduced CCAFS data on climate change risk into its process for underwriting and prioritizing loans to producer organizations in cocoa, coffee, and other commodity and food crop supply chains across 20+ countries. Climate vulnerability analysis by CCAFS identified regions of the gl...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Root Capital uses CCAFS data to evaluate 251 loans including 199 for coffee worth USD 146 million]
Root Capital uses CCAFS data to evaluate 251 loans including 199 for coffee worth USD 146 million
Farm Radio International was invited by FAO to contribute content to an online course on experience capitalization, and later by CTA to attend the Inception Meeting of its project. Recognising the value of this approach - for improving relationships, for detailing gaps or successes, and for suppo...
The experience capitalization process that we completed during the first half of 2017 changed the way I look at things. Now, when I collect information, I really ask myself: OK, what difference did this activity make – and why does it matter?
Nyamuzuwe, Gloria
[Experience capitalization: Framing a case was very, very useful]
Experience capitalization: Framing a case was very, very useful
A couple of months ago I was invited to join a group of participants starting a capitalization process in Maputo, Mozambique, and to help them edit the texts they were preparing. I had read many similar articles coming out of previous workshops, but I had never followed such a workshop myself be...
Rocha de Araujo, Marta
[Experience capitalization: Editing starts by organising information]
Experience capitalization: Editing starts by organising information
Experience Capitalization goes beyond writing success stories. You have to critically reflect on your project, and also write down why things didn't turn out as planned.
Having participants sharing information and interacting with each other during the experience capitalization process enhances the potential for adoption, adaptation and scaling up.
The situation which people without legal documents face is an unresolved problem in many parts of the world, especially when indigenous people live together in areas with large inflows of immigrants from bordering countries. This is the case in Sabah, a part of Malaysia which is geographically cl...
A training programme covering the basics of permaculture and of a healthy lifestyle is promoting sustainable development and enabling communities across Samoa to combat the adverse effects of climate change. Drawing upon Samoan heritage, the Taiala programme placed an emphasis upon community-led ...
Leaupepe, Aloema
[“You made us think”: The path-breakers battling land degradation in Samoa’s rural communities]
“You made us think”: The path-breakers battling land degradation in Samoa’s rural communities
Following the experience capitalization training process that CTA started in East Africa, the Kenya National Farmers Federation (KENAFF) asked its two selected trainees to select two other colleagues in order to help them introduce the approach to all staff members and help institutionalise it. D...
Nyando, Violet
[Actioning success through experience capitalization: the KENAFF case]
Actioning success through experience capitalization: the KENAFF case