En el marco del convenio CVC-CIAT #033 “Aunar esfuerzos y recursos humanos, económicos y técnicos para realizar acciones en el marco de la adaptación y la mitigación al Cambio Climático en el Valle del Cauca” se ha consolidado un espacio multisectorial e interinstitucional llamado Red Interinstit...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Traveling the world with crop wild relatives: dare to explore the amazing world]
Traveling the world with crop wild relatives: dare to explore the amazing world
An overview of CIAT’s pioneering new approach to increase the impact of research projects. 5Q is a simple, cheap and potentially highly-effective monitoring and evaluation system that has been tested in Tanzania.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Engaging Farmers and Experts in Feedback loops - the 5Q approach]
Engaging Farmers and Experts in Feedback loops - the 5Q approach
This map illustrates the location of the Climate-Smart Villages AR4D sites facilitated by CCAFS across 20 focus countries. There are also partner-facilitated CSV sites, numbering in their hundreds, where partners bring together and replicate various climate-smart solutions.
Kalenzi, Deus
[Distribution of livestock infrastructures in Chalinze District, Coast Region]
Distribution of livestock infrastructures in Chalinze District, Coast Region