In the Gash Delta of Eastern Sudan, spate irrigation (flood-recession farming) contributes substantially to rural livelihoods by providing better yields than rainfed dryland farming. However, spate irrigation farmers are challenged by the unpredictability of flooding. In recent decades, the numbe...
Amarnath, Giriraj
Simons, G.W.H.
Alahacoon, Niranga
Smakhtin, V.
Sharma, Bharat R.
Gismalla, Y.
Mohammed, Y.
Andriessen, M.C.M.
[Using smart ICT to provide weather and water information to smallholders in Africa: the case of the Gash River Basin, Sudan]
Using smart ICT to provide weather and water information to smallholders in Africa: the case of the Gash River Basin, Sudan
Downscaling techniques aim at resolving the scale discrepancy between climate change scenarios and the resolution demanded for impact assessments. Requirements for downscaled climate, to be useful for end users, include reliable representation of precipitation intensities, temporal and spatial va...
Quiróz, R.
Posadas, A.
Yarleque, C.
Heidinger, Haline
Raymundo, R.
Carbajal, M.
Cruz, Mariana
Guerrero, J.
Mares, V.
Silvestre, Elisabeth
Jones, C.
Carvalho, Leila M. V.
Dinku ,T.
[Application of non-linear techniques for daily weather data reconstruction and downscaling coarse climate data for local predictions]
Application of non-linear techniques for daily weather data reconstruction and downscaling coarse climate data for local predictions
Esta Guía Técnica explica cómo recolectar datos de temperatura y humedad utilizando el registrador de datos (data logger) denominado iButton, Referencia DS-1923 Hygrochron. Este dispositivo mide la temperatura y/o la humedad y registra el resultado en una sección de la memoria.
Mittra S
Etten, Jacob van
Franco T
[Guía técnica para el registro de datos meteorológicos en el campo con una alta resolución espacial y temporal utilizando iButtons]
Guía técnica para el registro de datos meteorológicos en el campo con una alta resolución espacial y temporal utilizando iButtons
This technical guideline explains how to collect temperature and humidity data using the Data logger iButtons reference DS-1923 Hygrochron. This device measures temperature and/or humidity and records the result in a memory section.
Mittra S
Etten, Jacob van
Franco T
[Collecting weather data in the field with high spatial and temporal resolution using iButtons]
Collecting weather data in the field with high spatial and temporal resolution using iButtons
Este manual describe en detalle cómo usar iButtons para observación meteorológica. iButtons son sensores ambientales que toman datos de la temperatura y la humedad relativa. Son relativamente baratos y robustos y mantienen los datos en su memoria hasta que son bajados. Los investigadores de Biove...
Mittra, S.
Etten, Jacob van
Franco, T.
Bioversity International
[Guía técnica para el registro de satos meteorológicos en el campo con una alta resolución espacial y temporal utilizando iButtons: Versión junio 2013]
Guía técnica para el registro de satos meteorológicos en el campo con una alta resolución espacial y temporal utilizando iButtons: Versión junio 2013
Numerous studies have been published during the past two decades that use simulation models to assess crop yield gaps (quantified as the difference between potential and actual farm yields), impact of climate change on future crop yields, and land-use change. However, there is a wide range in qua...
Grassini, Patricio
Bussel, Lenny G. J. van
Wart, Justin van
Wolf, Joost
Claessens, Lieven
Yang, Haishun
Boogaard, H.
Groot, Hugo de
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Cassman, Kenneth G.
[How good is good enough? Data requirements for reliable crop yield simulations and yield-gap analysis]
How good is good enough? Data requirements for reliable crop yield simulations and yield-gap analysis
Jones, Peter G.
Thornton, Philip K.
Heinke, J.
[Generating characteristic daily weather data using downscaled climate model data from the IPCC's fourth assessment]
Generating characteristic daily weather data using downscaled climate model data from the IPCC's fourth assessment
Weather records from 7 stations of IDEAM located in Tolima and Meta departments in Colombia. Five variables are available at daily scale: precipitation (prec), maximum temperature (tmax), minimum temperature (tmin), relative humidity (rhum), and sun bright (sbright). For units details, please con...
Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales
[Raw daily weather records from 7 IDEAM’s stations in Tolima and Meta departments, Colombia]
Raw daily weather records from 7 IDEAM’s stations in Tolima and Meta departments, Colombia
Raw hourly weather records from Fedearroz’s station located in Saldaña, Tolima, Colombia. Five variables available: Precipitation (RAIN), minimum temperature (TMIN), maximum temperature (TMAX), relative humidity (RHUM), and solar energy (ESOL). See variables units in README.txt
Federación Nacional de Arroceros, Colombia
[Raw hourly weather records from Fedearroz’s station in Saldaña, Tolima, Colombia]
Raw hourly weather records from Fedearroz’s station in Saldaña, Tolima, Colombia
This study assessed intermediate results of an investment intended to support climate change adaptation and resilience-building among farmers’ cooperatives in Rwanda. The assessment was based on a purposive sampling survey of farmers’ perspectives conducted in sites in 10 programme intervention d...
Rugege, Denis
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[Investing in on-farm and post-harvest resilience to climate change in smallholder value chains: Lessons from Rwanda]
Investing in on-farm and post-harvest resilience to climate change in smallholder value chains: Lessons from Rwanda