Agricultural biodiversity is a strategic asset, particularly for rural people. Agricultural biodiversity has a role in increasing agricultural sustainability, maintaining resilience at the landscape level, facilitating the ability of communities to adapt to a changing climate, improving their die...
Ambrozek, C.
Zorilla, M.
[Popular press reveals controversy and misconceptions regarding quinoa and food security]
Popular press reveals controversy and misconceptions regarding quinoa and food security
L’agriculture dans la région des Grands Lacs a longtemps pâti de l’insécurité, de la dégradation de l’environnement et du manque d’investissement. La plupart des Congolais, Burundais et Rwandais sont démunis de tout et l’insécurité alimentaire y règne en maitre. Il était primordial de mettre en p...
In 1995 the SGRP commissioned an External Review of the CGIAR Centre Genebank Operations. This review was conducted by a panel and involved 20 experts from national and regional genetic resources programmes, including the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The purpose of this...
CGIAR System-wide Genetic Resources Programme
[Report of the internally commissioned external review of the CGIAR genebank operations]
Report of the internally commissioned external review of the CGIAR genebank operations
Contains a recently conducted study on incentives and disincentives for the participation of Peru in the Multilateral System of the Treaty, describes the demand, exchange and use of plant genetic resources in Peru. The study also identifies opportunities for Peru resulting from the exchange of th...
Lapeña, I.
López, I.
Sigueñas, M.
Ramírez, M.
[Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura]
Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura
Jethobudho is an aromatic rice landrace of the Pokhara valley in middle hills of Nepal. Although local consumers are willing to pay a high price for its purchase, the landrace has a problem with quality variation. Decentralized participatory population improvement for specific market-identified t...
Gyaw, S.
Sthapit, B.R.
Bhandari, B.
Bajracharya, J.
Shrestha, P.K.
Upadhyay, M.P.
Jarvis, Devra I.
[Participatory crop improvement and formal release of Jethobudho rice landrace in Nepal]
Participatory crop improvement and formal release of Jethobudho rice landrace in Nepal
Bioversity's Regional Office for Europe provides the Coordination Secretariats for the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) and for the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN). Bioversity publishes regular issues of the Newsletter for Europe throughout...
Partiendo de las lecciones aprendidas en Tercer Congreso Internacional sobre Especies Olvidadas y Subutilizadas: por un África con Seguridad Alimentaria, realizado en Ghana, en septiembre de 2013, esta síntesis de orientación política destaca los roles clave que cumplen las NUS en enfrentar cinco...
Rudebjer, P.G.
Meldrum, G.
Padulosi, S.
Hall, R.
Hermanowicz, E.
Bioversity International
[Haciendo realidad la promesa de las especies olvidadas y subutilizadas (NUS): Policy brief]
Haciendo realidad la promesa de las especies olvidadas y subutilizadas (NUS): Policy brief
In rural areas, the conservation and use of plant genetic resources begins with women. As smallholder farmers, women are involved in all areas of the crop cycle from seed selection to planting, harvest, storage and processing. Within the household, women are responsible for food needs and welfare...