Through cooperation with CIAT, national programs in China have paid more and more attention to cassava agronomy research and a lot of progress has been made. This paper describes briefly the most common cropping systems and production practices presently used by farmers. It also reviews the resul...
Zhang, Weite
Lin, Xiong
Li, Kaimian
Juang, Jie
Tian, Yinong
Lee, Jun
Fu, Quohui
[Cassava agronomy research in China]
Cassava agronomy research in China
Over the period 1994-1996, seven batches of seeds and two of meristem tissue cultures were evaluated and selected. As important as root yield is the trait starch content (or dry matter content) if a clone is to be accepted as a starch cultivar. At the time of reporting a number of clones have bee...
This paper presents information from a study on farmers' seed-management practices growing pearl millet in Rajasthan, India. It describes farmers' own crop-improvement activities in regard to yield, quality, and diversity of pearl millet, with emphasis on seed-management strategies, such as intro...
Brocke, Kirsten vom
Christinck, Anja
Weltzien, Eva
[Opportunities and constraints for participatory plant breeding: Farmers' seed-management strategies and their effect on pearl millet populations in Rajasthan, India]
Opportunities and constraints for participatory plant breeding: Farmers' seed-management strategies and their effect on pearl millet populations in Rajasthan, India
This paper describes a participatory plant-breeding (PPB) program for rice in eastern India, targeted at a range of ecosystems. Only a few crosses with large populations were used. Most resources were used on selection by farmers among progeny bulks grown on a research station, but farmers also s...
Kumar, Ravi
Singh, D.N.
Prasad, S.C.
Gangwar, J.S.
Virk, Daljit S.
Witcombe, John R.
[Participatory plant breeding in rice in Eastern India]
Participatory plant breeding in rice in Eastern India
Los frijoles (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) son un componente fundamental de la dieta y un cultivo importante en todo el Caribe. Las siembras anuales de frijoles en la región exceden 200,000 ha aunque los rendimientos son bajos -de 400 a 900 kg/ha. El frijol es producido casi todo el año en diferentes s...
La historia del mejoramiento del frijol Phaseolus vulgaris en la Costa del Perú, puede dividirse en dos etapas; la primera comprendida entre 1957 y 1975, iniciada con la creación del Programa Nacional de Frijol; y la segunda, a partir de la década del 80, con el establecimiento del Programa Nacio...
La investigación en el cultivo de frijol en el Brasil se inserta dentro de la investigación agropecuaria como un todo y puede ser dividida en tres fases distintas. La primera fase tuvo inicio con la implantación de los primeros Institutos de Investigación por el Gobierno Federal en el período de ...
Pereira, Pedro Antônio Arraes
Peloso, Maria José del
Yokoyama, Lídia Pacheco
Moda-Cirino, Vânia
Oliari, Lourenço
Miranda, Paulo
Ramalho, Magno Antônio Patto
Pompeu, Antonio Sidney
Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
Vieira, Clibas
Carneiro, José Eustáquio de Souza
[Sistema nacional de investigación con frijol en el Brasil: Resultados, entraves y perspectivas futuras]
Sistema nacional de investigación con frijol en el Brasil: Resultados, entraves y perspectivas futuras
En el altiplano semiárido de México el temporal lluvias normalmente se inicia durante los primeros dias de julio y termina en septiembre. La precipitación durante el ciclo de cultivo es escasa y su distribución es errática, lo que provoca la ocurrencia de períodos de estrés hidrico que reducen el...
Ibarra Pérez, Francisco José
Castillo Rosales, Adán
Ochoa Márquez, Roberto
Fernández Hernández, Pablo
Cázares Enríquez, Benito
Rosales Serna, Rigoberto
Núñez González, Samuel
Acosta Gallegos, Jorge Alberto
[Adaptación de líneas experimentales de frijol tipo negro y pinto en el altiplano semiárido de México]
Adaptación de líneas experimentales de frijol tipo negro y pinto en el altiplano semiárido de México
There is a limit to the capacity of any breeding program, and the more crosses that are made, the, smaller
The size of each cross. The theory of the optimum number of crosses in inbreeding crops is bristly Reviewed. The theory is unsatisfactory in determining the optimum number of crosses, but mo...
Witcombe, John R.
Subedi, Madu
Joshi, Krishna D.
Witcombe, John R.
[Towards a practical participatory plant-breeding strategy in predominantly self-pollinated crops]
Towards a practical participatory plant-breeding strategy in predominantly self-pollinated crops
In recent years cassava has become an important raw material for various domestic needs (food, feed, alcohol and high fructose sugar). To cope with high demand for cassava roots the breeding and selection program has been intensified to identify varieties that are high yielding and having high st...
Mariscal, Algerico M.
Bergantin, Reynaldo V.
[Recent progress in cassava varietal improvement in the Philippines]
Recent progress in cassava varietal improvement in the Philippines