Information on some diseases and pests that attack cassava, as well as the symptoms induced by nutritional deficiencies and toxicities and damage resulting from the misuse of herbicides are given in this manual. Specific and general recommendations regarding the control of the described problems ...
En este manual se presenta informacion sobre algunas de las enfermedades y plagas que atacan a la yuca, como tambien los sintomas inducidos por deficiencias y toxicidades nutricionales y danos debidos al uso incorrecto de los herbicidas. Se incluyen recomendaciones generales y especificas para el...
Lozano, J.C.
Bellotti, Anthony C.
Reyes, J.A.
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Leihner, D.E.
Doll, J.
[Problemas en el cultivo de la yuca]
Problemas en el cultivo de la yuca
Cassava is a regional crop in India, 97 percent of the production coming from the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On a countrywide basis, cassava makes only a small contribution to total calorie intake; in the south, however, it ranks 2nd to rice. Data are presented on production and utilization...
La yuca es un cultivo regional en India; el 97 por ciento de la produccion proviene de los estados de Kerala y Tamil Nadu. A nivel nacional, la yuca representa un pequeno aporte al consumo total de calorias; en el sur, sin embargo, ocupa el segundo lugar despues del arroz. Se presentan datos sobr...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change]
Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Latin America: A food staple in transition]
Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Latin America: A food staple in transition
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Curso sobre producción de yuca, Medellín, julio de 1975]
Curso sobre producción de yuca, Medellín, julio de 1975
The most commonly used method for measuring carotenoid concentration is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Nevertheless, easier, quicker, and less costly proxy methods exist. We aimed to determine the diagnostic performance of several proxy methods: the spectrophotometer, iCheck Carot...
Jaramillo Valencia, Angélica M.
Londoño, Luis Fernando
Orozco, Juan Camilo
Patiño, Gelver
Belalcázar, John
Davrieux, Fabrice
Talsma, Elise F.
[Replication Data for: A comparison study of five different methods to measure carotenoids in biofortified yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta)]
Replication Data for: A comparison study of five different methods to measure carotenoids in biofortified yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta)
Matteson, Patricia C.
Dahniya, Mohamed T.
Matlon, Peter
[Ecologically sustainable cassava plant protection in South America and Africa: An environmentally sound approach GLO/91/013/A/01/31/31, 1993-1996. Ecologically sustainable cassava plant protection: A global strategy (preparatory assistance) GLO/97/119/A/11/31, 1997: Report of the External Advisory Committe]
Ecologically sustainable cassava plant protection in South America and Africa: An environmentally sound approach GLO/91/013/A/01/31/31, 1993-1996. Ecologically sustainable cassava plant protection: A global strategy (preparatory assistance) GLO/97/119/A/11/31, 1997: Report of the External Advisory Committe
Border, John H.
Roberts, Donald Wilson
Tantera, Dewa M.
Davidson, Alexander
[GLO/91/013 Ecologically Sustainable Cassava Plant Protection in South America and Africa (PROFISMA)]
GLO/91/013 Ecologically Sustainable Cassava Plant Protection in South America and Africa (PROFISMA)
Borden, John H.
Roberts, Donald W.
Raymundo, Asunción K.
[GLO/91/013 Ecologically Sustainable Cassava Plant Protection in South America and Africa (PROFISMA)]
GLO/91/013 Ecologically Sustainable Cassava Plant Protection in South America and Africa (PROFISMA)